"The nurse didn't heal her after we had a fight for class, for practice, and then when we got back to the street, she started getting weaker, and almost threw up, and then I brought her here, and I thought she was going to die an-" He screamed in a small voice, and then realized his mom was just staring at him. "DON'T JUST STARE AT ME DAMMIT! FIX HER!" He boomed, seemingly getting more pissed by the second. His mom got the needle ready, and put cleanser on it, while putting some on a cotton-ball, and dabbing (DONT U DARE READER) it onto your wound.

You hissed in pain, as the cleanser stung against the open wound. "Ok Y/N, I am going to need to put a cloth over your mouth." His mother said calmly, trying to keep you still. She looked back to Katsuki, who was almost exploding on the spot. He was so anxious, because he didn't want anybody dying in his room (that was the reason he was telling himself, so go with it). "Katsuki," She started, as she picked up the needle, her eyes getting merciless, as she shoved a cloth in your mouth suddenly. "Hold her down." She said coldly, as you felt Katsuki jump over you to the other side of the bed, his hands going over your arms and legs, keeping you in place.

"WMPH!" You yelled through the cloth, as you felt an incredibly painful stabbing sensation in your side. You screamed in pain through the cloth, as the needle went in and out of your skin, closing the gap that was in your side. You squirmed out of pain, wanting it to stop, the tiny stabs seeming to grow more painful with each one. They didn't give you anything to make it numb, so it felt like shots that were 200x more painful. Tears fell down your face, dampening Katsuki's arm that were holding your arms down. You continued to scream in pain, as the cloth fell out of your mouth. "K-katsuki-" You started as his mother shoved the cloth back into your mouth. She didn't want the neighbors to see this, because then they will think their family did this.

Little did she know, a person from her family did.


When Katsuki brought you to the nurse's office after the fight, the nurse looked at you in shame, then back at Katsuki. "This is the 3rd time this week. Shouldn't kids have more protection than this?" The nurse mumbled to herself, leading Katsuki to an open bed, as he set you down, reluctant to leave. "I am going to need you to leave so I can perform surgery." She stated blandly.

"WHAT? CAN'T YOU USE YOUR QUIRK YOU HAG?!?!" Katsuki boomed out of anger, knowing that this nurse's quirk should of been able to save her.

"Since she is still recovering from the being sick, she needs to heal on her own, because if I heal her, she might die." The nurse said, pushing Katsuki out of the door.

"WHAT?! WHY?" He bellowed

"The injury on her side. It will cause her to bleed out, unless I heal it the old fashioned way." She said closing the door on Katsuki, and walked over to you, getting stitches and needles out. She put you under an anesthetic.


When Katsuki launched you both, the stitches came undone due to them burning and falling out. That is why you started experiencing the pain in your side after you landed. The anesthetic was beginning to wear off, and good thing it did. Without it, you would've never known about the bleeding, and you could of bleeded out.


You continued to scream under the muffled cloth until his mom stopped, and tied both of the ends of the stitches, as you panted. His mom pulled the cloth from your mouth, as you sobbed silently. You instinctively grabbed whatever you could to try and calm yourself down, which at the moment was Katsuki's arm. You gripped it with your strength, trying to steady your breathing, as Katsuki released you, and you sat up, soon being pushed back down.

"Nope. You have to rest or the stitches are going to snap again. There were broken stitches in your side." His mom shamed, as she stood up, taking bloodyish towel off her lap. "Well, I am going to make dinner. Katsuki," She started, as you looked at Katsuki, and he looked at her, "Make sure your friend here does not move. Okay?" His mom ordered, leaving the room to make dinner. Katsuki looked at you, but you could still not see clearly.

You looked at him, to only see a blurred version of the face you knew was angry. "You squirm a lot you know." He mumbled, standing from where he was next to the bed, and sitting by your legs, looking out the window. You tried to look where he was looking, but he carefully pushed you back. "You heard her, don't move. I don't want blood on my bed." He muttered, pouting very cutely, causing you to laugh joyfully.

"Sorry, sorry." You said inbetween laughs. He looked at you curiously. No one he knew every went through surgery or stitches, and then laughed like there was the funniest joke in the world. It was weird. "It's just that, my eyes are blurry, and your pout looks so weird to me, and it was so cut-" You began to say, then realizing what you were saying. Your face seemed to grow hotter by the millisecond. "NEVERMIND! NOTHING! WHAT!" You stuttered very loudly, wanting to run away, but knowing your body wouldn't let you do so.

Katsuki stared at you, not knowing what you were saying. You sighed in relief, being he was too oblivious to catch what was going on. He then leaned over, teasing, and looked straight into your eyes, the closeness startling you from your thoughts. "It seemed it was something... You were talking about your eyes being blurry, and then saying that my pout looks weird, and it was cut-" He began, realizing what you were saying, as he turned around, avoiding eye contact.

Crap. Now he is going to think you like him, and while he is cute, he can be kind of a pain, or an explosive to people around him sometimes. Your face started heating up, and you regretted having your jacket on. (It was on during the whole thing). You wished you could take it off, but you didn't want to move, and tear the newly made stitches. "Katsuki?" You questioned.

"W-what!" He boomed from next to you, apparently flustered at before. You wished he had just stayed oblivious.

"Can you t-take off my jacket?" You asked, as he snapped his eyes to yours, them bulging at your request. "It's hot in here, and I don't want to break the stitches, so I don't want to move, but it is hot, and...." You muttered, as he became confused at you.

He simply took off your jacket quickly, pushing your body off the bed here and there, and put it next to you, and then looked away again...

'This is going to be interesting...' You thought to yourself.

Authors Notes

Heyo heyo! Sorry to update so late, but I was off with family for the whole day, so I wrote this in a spur of 40 minutes (which is why to some if it seems rushed, it was)

Sorry for the lack of quality, but I will continue to try and update everyone with this story

If you have any ideas, please contact me, so that we can work together, and incorprate everyone's ideas possible! 


See all y'all lator gaters

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant