I am Unloved

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The biggest disease this day and age is that of people feeling unloved.

~Princess Diana~

"Pizza's ready!!"

I've been quietly starving upstairs for the past two hours; so when I hear my mom call us for dinner I hastily mark my page then throw aside my copy of Me Before You - carefully of course, books are like fragile Angels - and bolt downstairs.

"Someone seems hungry."

I ignore her comment and continue making my way to the mahogany dining table, sitting down in one of the six designer chairs that surround it. I grab a slice of the home made pepperoni pizza and take a bite.

"Hot, hot, hot!!" I bawl out, dousing the fire in my mouth with a glass of water.

"Idiot," pesters the chubby twelve year old slob I'm fortunate enough to call my younger brother. 

"Aaron, no arguing at the table,"
Our mother warns.

I stick my tongue out at Aaron. A little habit I picked up from Nicole over the past few years since we became friends. That and the middle finger, which of course I can't show at home - at least not in front of my mom.

"So Luke, your dad called earlier today and said he wants you to stay at his place for a week or two. He wants to spend time with you and get to know you better," she gives me a persuasive smile and I can see the happiness in her blue eyes.

Actually, my mom's eyes change every day. She claims it depends on the weather. One day it's blue, the next it's green and sometimes it's even gray. Weird huh.

My mom has always hoped that my dad would start showing a little interest in my life. Maybe even give some more financial and emotional support once in a while, but I don't want anything to do with him. He was never there for me before and I don't him here for me now.

"Well he's too late. If he actually cared about me and loved me like a father should, then he would have showed me some interest years ago. I'm not going."

"Come on Luke. You know how hard it is for me to take care of both of you alone. At least when you stay with him for a week I can finally focus on cleaning up this house."

"I'm not going. And especially not with his little brats around."

"You're going and that's final."

"You know, if you force me to do something I don't like to do I can always runaway again. Maybe this time I'll stay away longer," I don't mean to come off as rude to her but whenever it has something to do with my father I sort of become angry and rebellious.

"Make sure you use your own bike this time," Aaron interrupts.

"Shut up," I snap.

Before my mother gets to continue our conversation I pile up five slices of pizza on my plate and head upstairs into my room with my food. My mom's voice booms throughout the house, demanding me to come back downstairs. I ignore her and close my bedroom door, locking it so no one can enter. A familiar "Ahhh hello there everyone!" can be heard as I plunge into the world of Joey Graceffa, taking bites out of my pizza while his latest Vlog progresses. After an hour or so of Watching YouTube videos and ignoring knocks on my door, I get myself ready for bed then dive beneath the black and white duvet covers of my bed and drift asleep.

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