The Unforgiving

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It was three in the morning when I heard foot steps. I got up to see if it was Michel sleep walking again. But he was sound asleep in his bunk, which was under mine. I jump off the top bunk and go into the hallway to see if my parents were up. They weren't. 'Who was walking around' I asked myself. I walk around the house to find no one, so I go back to bed.
The next time I wake up, which is seven in the morning, I go to eat breakfast and get ready for school. I find a note on the counter thinking its one of dads reminders. It said 'remember to make as many friends as you can Angel.' I was right, and its a good thing Michel didn't see the note, he would have told me what the note said every time I saw him. At eight I get on the bus and waited for the first day of school to start.
Ridding the bus is the worst, or at least when your new to the place. I sat there feeling so awkward, no one really talked, one because its morning, and two because no one knew who I was. I got off last, or rather one of the last people to get off. As I was getting off I cut my finger on the book I was reading. The guy next to me looked at me like I was prey. He said 'might wanna stop that, your gunna get hurt if you don't.' Then hegot up to leave. When he looked back he said 'cover it now' I asked ' how? I don't have anything' he answered by giving me a tissue and then left. I took it and wiped up the blood. Finally ready for the first day, I get off the bus and start to walk up to the school. I look around to take in the look of my new school, when I bump right into something, falling onto my butt. No, not something, someone. I look around hoping no one noticed, 'nice job angle, great way to start off the first day.' I start to get up when the person, a guy, looked at me and asked ' are you OK?' He bends down and picks up the book I dropped. 'Romeo and Juliet huh? Is it any good?' He asks. 'Uh. Y-yea its okay I guess. I mean if you like Shakespeare and al-' he starts to laugh at that. I look at him and he apologies for laughing. 'Your babbling is pretty cute when your nervous' he laughs a little. I blush a little not knowing why. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I must have jumped ten feet in the air because I hear laughing. I turn around to see a really cute guy with brown hair silver eyes and pale skin, his smile was beautiful just like his eyes. Once he stopped laughing the guy I bumped into turned to me and said ' sorry my names James, and this is Jacob, sorry if he startled you, he's... Special.' James smiled after that, then Jacob said ' I'm not special, I just like to mess with new meat' he laughed when he said that. I must have looked like a scared dog because he laughed even harder. I walked away when they started to follow me. James I didn't mine but Jacobs getting on my nerves. 'James?' I ask ' where is the front office?' ' I'll show you' he said, he walked me down to the office and knocked on the door. 'Come in' a dark creepy voice answered. He walks in first, taking my hand and saying 'its okay, he's not as mean as he sounds.' He smiles as he leads me into the office. 'How may I be of your service Mr. James Esher and... New girl?' 'Uh... I... Um...' Is all I can say 'This is angel and she needs her papers for her classes and lockers.' 'Ah Salvatore, yes yes I'll get that right now' he smiled a wicked grin which sent a chill down my spine.
Finally, I got out of that creepy office and was finding my locker. It took only a couple seconds to open my locker. I had a top locker, which would have been good if I was taller. I'm only 5'2 so I'm not tall enough to reach the shelf to well. As I was trying to put my extra paper and this on the self when Jacob walked up behind me. 'Want help?' He said 'no I can get it' I say as a book starts to fall. Jacob grabs the book before it falls on me and sticks it on the shelf. ' you really need to learn how to say yes Salvatore' he says. 'How do you know my last name? And how do you know I never say yes?' 'I know your last name because I'm "special".' He says with a little chuckle. 'And you say no a lot because you an independent little girl aren't you angel.' He looks right into my eyes and smiles. 'I'm independent, yes, but I know how to say yes when I want to.' I say with a sarcastic tone. He chuckles a little and says 'your funny angel, keep it up and you might survive here.' That's when James showed up. 'When are you gunna leave her alone Jacob?' 'Whenever she tells me to leave James.' I sigh and tell them I'll meet them after class, then I remember, I don't know where or what my first class is. James seems to read my mind and take the schedule from my hands. 'Your first class is with Mr. Drac, which is with me and Jacob.' He leads me to the classroom and as we walked I saw Jacob slow down. He stopped right next to me and held my arm, putting his finger to his lips telling me to stay quiet. When James was out of sight I asked 'why'd you stop me.' He answered by pulling me to a circle of people and introduced me. 'Everyone this is angel, she's new. Angel this is mark, Martha, zoey, David, and Brenna.' I look at the people and see that mark has blue hair, silver eyes and pale skin, Martha has brown hair, golden eyes and tan skin, zoey, David and Brenna has the same hair, eyes and skin. Mark started to laugh and said, ' no they aren't siblings, but they all like almost the same things.' Zoey looked at me in disgust. ' new meat, smells like a god, looks mortal. Angel, is it? What are you?' Before I could answer I heard a loud boom. I turn around to see James storming to us, his eyes were almost black and his hair was silver. It sent so many cills down my back that I his behind Jacob. James came straight to Jacob and stared him right in the eye before he talked. ' why would you disobey all orders to keep her from people till we knew what she was? Are you stupid? Angel come with me, now!' At that moment I was scared stiff, when mark saw my face he took my hand and said, ' its OK, he's only like this... Once a week? No worries, stay off his bad side and you'll be fine.' Mark takes my schedule from my bag I was carrying and led me a way from James and Jacob. No one noticed because they were to interested in the two boys fighting. Mark took my hand and told me to sit next to him in class and no one would mess with me. I told him that, that was nice but I could handle myself. As we walkes into the class the bell rang. The teacher looked up and said, ' who is this?' 'I'm angel Salvatore, I'm new to the class.' 'Ah Salvatore, yes I know now, and may I ask why you are in my class, you certainly don't look or smell like a vamp.' That cought me by surprise and he could tell. 'You didn't know and you still don't know what you are. I see.' He stares straight at mark giving him a sturn look.
After class I asked mark what happened. Mark answered 'you really don't know do you? This is a school for supernatural.' His words made me stop walking suddenly. Mark looked at me and said 'I'm a vampire, same with James and Jacob. The others, zoey and them there wolfs. There are witches, demi demons, demi gods, any supernatural being you can think of, us here at the school, well except a real god or demon. And no one knows what they look like.' When he said god I remembered what zoey said. "You smell like a god but look like a mortal." I wonder if she knows what a god looks or even smells like, and how.
After all the last class if the day I get back on the bus and sit where I sat this morning. The guy I was sitting next to this morning sat next to me and said ,'what are you?' It took me by surprise because he looked like he didn't want to sit near me. I told him, 'I don't know yet, none ones ever told me.' He looked over at me and said 'no one should have to tell you, look at all the people here, any look like you? Smell like you?' 'This one girl said I smelled like a god.' Thats when he smelled the air. 'Then you must be a strong demi god, strongest one I've ever smelled.' When he said that someone behind me said 'she's not a demi god, I only know because I've seen something like her before. She's a hybrid.' 'A hybrid? What hybrid am I?' ' your a god... And demon' when the bus driver heard this she slammed on the break and jumped out her seat just to pull me, by my hair, out of my seat. The guy next to me jumped up and tryed to move to get me back. That's when I felt tingling in my fingers, I thought of the bus driver letting go of my hair and being thrown out of the bus. As I was thinking that I must have blacked out because the next thing u know um laying on the floor of the bus. 'Asher don't touch her! She still glowing!' That's when I realized that it was super bright where I was. I sit up and the glowing stops. 'Where am I?' Is all I can ask.

(Authors note: this is the first book that I am writing, this is going to be a series. The next book is already started I just new a title. If you have any ideas on the title or what should be in the next book please comment. thank you. All my books will be on here by Monday every week.BTW this book is 1858 words including the authors note.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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