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I sat in my room daydreaming about my past (well at least that's what it seemed like). The times with my family and friends. The good memories to be specific.

"Hey, YN."

He was so amazing, the most beautiful creature I ever met. He was romantically into me, but I didn't really have the same feelings towards him.

 He was romantically into me, but I didn't really have the same feelings towards him

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"So what happened in science class today with the crab Mrs.Striles?"

"Nothing really. The same lecture and note routine again. You know how that is."

"Yeah I do, so what's up with you?"

He always asked about me. He was really intelligent and handsome I didn't understand why he spent his time with me and not with a thin girl. Whatever kept him around was truly a blessing because sometimes I definitely needed a break from my female friends.  They were truly a job.

"Ummmm nothing really the same old, same old."

"Well I thought we got rid of that girl last year and she was not supposed to come back."

"Noooooo Jermaine not her, she's out of my system. Geesh. Sometimes I wonder if you're my friend or my father."

"I could be your daddy, if you let me."he licked his lips and winked his eye.

"I don't know about all that, but maybe you could come to my house and spend a little time with me."

"No problem, it's not like I have a calendar, and even if I did it would be twelve months of you."

You laughed and texted him your address.

"Well welcome to my home. Don't mind the house, we didn't have time to clean up. We had a late night last night."

"So where is your room so we can get started on this Chemistry work?"

"Just follow me."

I walked out the kitchen with two caprisuns and two bags of hot cheetos. We were about to do some serious work and I didn't plan on stopping for anything.


"Yes Jermaine."

It had been silent for a while you were determined to finish this section before six o'clock rolled around.

"Why don't you like me?"

You fell silent. You wanted everything that came out your mouth to flow correctly and not harshly because that is definitely not your intention.

"Jermaine you are amazing. You're funny, sweet, and charismatic. I am just not ready for a relationship. I really do like you and if I were to get in a relationship, it would definitely be with you. I just feel like you can do a lot better than me. I am overweight, insecure, and not even the prettiest girl in my neighborhood, let alone school. I just want you to be with someone who is as amazing as you."

"Y/N. Well if you want me to be with someone who is as amazing as me, then let me be with you."

He leaned over and kissed your lips softly and you returned the favor. He ran his fingers through your hair and deepened the kiss.

Your warm thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and his presence walking through. Again with another tray of food but this time there was a pen and a journal on the tray as well. How sadistic of him? He's being mindful that I could be bored and lonely in here, so he brings me something to entertain me.

"When can I go home?"

He was halfway out the door and I just wanted to know. He hadn't done anything to me. He hadn't hit me, verbally abused me, or even cruelly teased me. So what was my purpose being here? What could he possibly want to do with me?

"I don't know."

"Well. Can you come in here and talk to me? It's pretty lonely."

He had only moved me out my nest, and not changed any of my habits. I really needed someone to talk to. I could be getting killed and I wouldn't even know why or what I was killed for.

"Maybe later." He closed the door behind him softly.

I walked over to the tray. There was pasta with shrimp and tea. For a man so culturalized and skilled, why would he ever have it set in his mind to do something like this to another human being. Was it his plan? Was there more people watching me? The more and more questions I began asking myself the more and more I got worried and the more tears rolled down my face. I was completely alone and without a purpose. Realizing I had no idea when I was going to be set free or killed I might as well write about my experience here in this dungeon of abyss.

Day 1:October 1, 2005

This entry is to my mom, family, Jermaine and anyone else who is not responsible for my separation from society. I have been here for about one day and a half. I strangely have a 'comfortable' living space. I am free to do a lot of things here. I can shower, eat, watch the news, and even clearly write. Mom I am fully clothed and in good health. Jermaine, I am emotionally and mentally stable. To everyone reading this: I miss you all and I am ready to come home. I am alone, afraid, and I don't want to loose everything I have created. I hope to see you all soon, Y/N.

I closed the journal and decided to eat the food that was probably room temperature about now. Being here was not going to be easy for me at all. I am ready to go home and it is time for me to go home. NOW!

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