Chapter 20 (The End)

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"I don't know if that's a promise or a threat," he mused as the organ started to play and everyone stood as the bride made her grand entrance.

Devon smiled coyly and turned to watch her sister enter the church. There was the expected murmur that went through the crowd at the bride's entrance, and Devon watched, with a mixture of feelings as her sister moved towards her. Bree looked lovely in her white lace gown that was cut to perfection with her hair falling in delicate curls around her face.

When Bree looked over at Devon with a cat that got the cream grin, she watched as Bree stumbled a little at the sight of Kellan standing next Devon in his dress uniform while she gave Bree a sweet smile and waved as any good sister would.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Lieutenant Hillard," Devon whispered in his ear.

"What did I do?" He looked confused.

"You made Bree doubt her decision to marry Hal," Devon clarified.

"How on earth did I do that?" he asked, frowning.

"A man in uniform does it every time." Devon grinned before her thoughts turned back to Kellan, who would have been dismayed to know that she was trying to figure out exactly what sort of woman would win his heart.

The only thing Devon was sure of was that they would all be taken by surprise with his choice. Kellan rarely did what one expected of him.


The wedding lasted longer than anticipated and even though Devon wasn't in the bridal party she was asked to remain for the family photos. The reception was already underway when she arrived at the hotel ballroom, and everyone was well on their way to being happily drunk.

Kellan stayed close to her all night, entertaining her and dancing with her, she knew he was doing his best to distract her from thoughts of Josh, and for the most part, he did a good job.

A few minutes before midnight Hal and Bree climbed the dramatic staircase in the ballroom with everyone clustered below them as they all prepared to welcome in a New Year. The waiters were circulating with full champagne glasses, insisting everyone have one. Devon took hers looking for Kellan who had managed to disappear from her view.

The countdown started, and Devon did her best to fight back the tears. Josh hadn't made it, she was welcoming in another new year alone. The countdown started and Devon joined in cheering with the crowd as the clock chimed midnight and everyone started kissing, she got a few kisses from friends and family as they moved around her while she stood forlornly in the middle of the room.

The band started to play 'For Auld Lang Syne,' and the guests quickly caught on and started singing. Devon couldn't join in on the song, she knew which old friend she wanted with her and he wasn't there.

A few lines into the song Devon noticed that people's attention had been drawn to the entrance of the ballroom behind her, and as she followed their gazes she did start to cry. Josh stood looking at her, with Kellan, Will, and Lee behind him offering him their support. They all looked so handsome in their uniforms, but Devon only had eyes for Josh. He was her heart, and she watched slowly as he walked towards her.

Those around them started to recognize him and the looks of shock grew as he approached Devon. It was as if the sea had parted while he walked. He held his cap under her arm, looking dangerous and regal all at the same time.

"You're late!" Devon said between tears as he relieved her of her champagne glass.

"Ten years late my love," he said as he pulled her close. "But better late than never."

For Auld Lang Syne (Navy Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن