"Oh we aren't gonna have any time to go to the Statue of Liberty!"
Louis says disappointed.

"It's alright, we can just go tomorrow!"
Niall says.

"Wait what's the date tomorrow?"
Liam asks.

"May 23, why?"
Louis says.

"I'm pretty sure tomorrow we have to go back to the hospital for Hannah's check up."
Liam says.

"Ooooooh yeah I forgot!"
Louis says. All the boys look at me but mostly at my scars from the stitches. I look at them to see if they had healed. My arm was still in a bandage and I kept one on my neck also but my cheek was pretty much healed and you could really only see a small scar. Louis reaches for my hand and our fingers interlock with each other.

We get back to Louis' apartment and are completely dead after walking all over town looking for a restaurant. We never found one so we just came home but the boys all collapsed on the sofa. I went in the kitchen to see what I could find. There was some pasta, some goldfish, leftover lasagna and carrots.

I yelled a little dramatic. He came running in with a concerned look on his face.

"Hannah! What's wrong?"
He says holding both my hands. I giggled.

"Is it alright if I make some food for dinner?"
I say grinning. He looks at me crinkling his nose. Then he playfully nudged me.

"I thought something happened cause you sounded scared."
He says.

"I'm sorry Lou I just wanted you to get here fast so I could see you."
I say a little flirty, stroking his shoulders.

"Why did you want to see me?"
He said coming a little closer with a grin on his face.

"So I could do this.."
I leaned into him and kissed passionately. He wrapped his hands just under my butt and I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. We kissed for a while until he teasingly backed away.

" you are such a tease Mr Tomlinson!"
I say jokingly.

"Hhhm "
He says smiling a cheeky little smile. He places a small peck on my cheek and places me on the counter.

I hop down and begin making the pasta. Louis sits on the counter stool and watches me smiling.

"Where is your tomato sauce?"
I asked looking through cabinets.

"Uuh I think it's in the fridge, second shelf to your left."

I begin cooking and then put together a few plates of carrots and goldfish. I bring out the plates to the other boys and they all light up and it's gone in a matter of seconds. I laugh at them then head back to the kitchen. I take out the old lasagna and put it in the oven.

Louis was on his phone probably tweeting. I checked my phone and I had about a million notifications from my Instagram, Twitter and just texts from all my friends. I guess that whole story about me and Louis has gotten out to everyone and now I gained like 700 followers.

I wasn't paying attention because I was on my phone and I leaned a large part of my arm on the burner where I was cooking and an instant sizzle off pain rushed through me causing me to jump back and scream. Louis jumped out of his chair and came rushing over to me. I was on my knees holding the back of my arm. I moaned in pain and a few tears escaped my squeezed eyes. Louis sprang to my side and sort of held me in his arms.

"Ow ow oooowww Louis it burns!!!"
I say choking back tears. I look at my arm and see a giant line across my forearm just above my elbow.

"Oh babe come here, c'mon lets get you to the sink."
He says pulling me up. We walk over to the sink and he turns on the cold water.

"Let's just run this under here for a second and then we'll get you some ice okay?"
He says taking my arm. He slowly runs it under the water and an icy blast stings through my burn.

I squeal, jumping back.

"I'm sorry Han ok we can just put some ice on it okay?"
He says calming me. His arm is on my back and he is holding me. He grabs an ice pack from the freezer and wraps it in a paper towel. All the boys slowly come in and wonder what was all the screaming.

" Is everything alright in here?"
Asks Harry.

"Yeah we're okay she just got a burn."
Says Louis. He places the ice pack gently on my burn and hold it there.

"Ow oww!"
I say and then the stinging goes away and then it starts to feel good.

I say as the ice relieves some pain. Louis kisses my forehead and rubs my back. Liam shuts off the burner and takes over cooking for me.

Niall gives me a little run on my shoulder and Harry rubs my back as we all head into the lounge. I hold the ice pack to my arm and sit down. Louis sits next to me and Harry and Niall sit on the other side of the couch. I put my legs over Louis' and cuddle into him he kisses the top of my head and holds me close to him.

It's not long until Liam comes out with a dish full of hot lasagna and pasta. We each grab a bowl of pasta and eat because we were all starving. Then we go in for some lasagna and that is gone by the end of the night. After about 5 episodes of the Simpsons and everyone full with pasta, we start to go to bed. Niall and Harry have already gone to their rooms and Liam was going to when he was finished cleaning up in the kitchen.

I guess I drifted off to sleep because I felt Louis lift me up and carry me into his room. I fell asleep completely after he placed me down on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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