Chapter 4: Hospital visits and Niall Horan

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He carries me all the way from his room to the car. His strong body gently places me on the curb. I steady myself making sure I don't fall again. Louis watches me carefully then takes my hand and I hop on one foot into the passenger seat.

"Thaaannnk youu."
I say to Louis, for helping me into the car.

"You're welcome madam."
He says in an elegant joking way. I giggle at him and he smiles a cheeky little smile back. He runs toward the other side of the car and hips in the driver seat.

Liam sits in the back seat. I pull down the mirror right when I sit down. I look at my face all puffy and swollen from my injuries. My mascara and eyeliner is all smudged around my eyes from crying. I try rubbing it off and notice my hair was also a mess. I run my hands through the tangled mess, trying to make myself a little more presentable, even though we were just going to the hospital.

I see a little line of blood that seeped through part of the bandage and then look at all my other wounds. I start thinking about Steven and how I just let him do all those horrible things to me. A year pricks at my eye for how stupid I must seem to Louis. I feel my lip start to quiver, and my eyes get watery just waiting for me to blink and let the tears out. Louis notices me and puts his hand on my knee. I look over at him, my hole face shaking, making every muscle in my body stop me from breaking down. Louis had is eyes on the road and then looked back over to me. He frowns, and starts gently rubbing my knee.

"Aaw Han, it's okay love."
Says Louis reassuringly. I feel a hand on my shoulder and Liam starts rubbing my shoulder.

"It's going to be okay Hannah."
Liam says while still rubbing my shoulder. I blink and the tears fall down my face, running underneath my chin. I wipe my tears and give a little laugh and try to take deep breaths, embarrassed to be crying in front of them. I open the mirror again and dry my puffy, teary eyes. Liam has let go of my shoulder but Louis keeps his hand there for a while.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to put you guys in a sad kind of mood."
I say.

"No, no it's okay Han, we just don't want you to be upset, I know it must be hard..."
Says Louis. There was a silent pause.

"Shall we turn on the radio?"
He presses a station and on comes "Human" by Christina Perri, I frown a little and feel some tears prick at my eyes at the sad music.

"Okaaaayyyy, well let's just chaaange thiis."
Louis says loudly, trying not to make me more upset by the sad song choice on the radio.I laugh and he presses another station. The next song to play was "Don't Mind" by Kent Jones. We all look at each other and smile. Liam and Louis start singing along, I laugh a little too hard then I join in.

"She said hola, como estas, she said Konnichiwa, she said pardon my French, I said Bonjour Madam!!"

We sing as loud as we can. I start laughing so hard, now in such a better mood. I look at Louis smiling, he looks back at me and smiles, he has this fire in his eyes, this passion that just makes me melt and I get lost in them. He is so perfect.

We arrive at the hospital, Louis pulls up towards the front of the lobby. Liam gets out and opens my door, I feel myself lifted right out of my seat before I can even get up. I felt so light in his, also very large, muscular arms. I look back at Louis and can tell he wishes he was the one to carry me inside.

When we get to the front desk, Liam puts me down and a nurse comes up, offering me a wheelchair. I smile and thank her, siting down in it.

"Hello, how can I help you?"
Asks the nurse at the desk.

" Uh she needs a check up quickely and we don't know if her foot is broken or...."
Liam explains to the nurse.

"Ookayy, can I get a name and birth date?"
I begin talking and the nurse looks down over me at the desk.

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