Bus Rides & Smirks

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The definition of camp is stupid to me, so I made my own definition:


I don't know why people enjoy going to camp. I mean, their parents have to spend over $2,000 to send their kid away for five weeks just to get them back. Hell, for $2,000 I would let the camp keep my kids. (If I had kids.) The only reason my parents send me to camp is to get me out of their hair, even though I do absolutely nothing while I'm at home. But of course, they've got plenty of money to spend, so they make sure to use it in the best way possible by sending me away for five weeks while I'm miserable.

I'm 18 years old and I'm pretty sure I should be able to decide by now if I wanted to go to summer camp or not. Thankfully, this is the last year I'm allowed to attend camp. Every single year has been worse than the last. I begged my parents to not make me go every year since I was 12, but they deny me every time. I am thankful of one thing, though:

Erwin Smith has never showed up to summer camp.

What does that mean for me? I have five weeks of peace and quiet away from that brat. Yes, he may be almost a foot taller than me, but that doesn't mean I can't act superior to him. I hate him. I hate him with every fiber of my being.

I went to the meeting place where the bus would pick us up and take us to camp. It was only a fifteen minute walk from my house, so I told my parents goodbye, grabbed my bags, and left my house.

The walk to the bus stop was humid and uncomfortable. I was wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts, but everything stuck to me like I had just been drenched in water. Once I got to the bus stop, I saw that I had about five minutes until the bus would come to pick me up. No one was here with me, which was weird since there are usually a few people here at least. I sat down on the bench and sat my bags down on the ground beside me. A few minutes had passed when someone walked up and sat down beside me. I didn't look to see who it was because I honestly didn't care.

The bus pulled up and I grabbed my bags. As I was standing up, the person sitting beside me pulled me back down on the bench.

"Levi Ackerman, huh? It hasn't been too long."

I could have recognized that voice from anywhere. It was the most annoying sound in the world. I hated the way he said my name and the way he punctuated his words.

I turned my head to my right and glared at him.

"I see you've found me, Smith." I said, obviously annoyed.

"What exactly are you doing here, Smith?"

He chuckled, and I knew that something was up.

"Don't act dumb, Levi. You know why I'm here, so let's hear you say it." He said, smirking in a way that made me want to punch him in the balls.

"You're going to camp, aren't you?" I asked, hoping my guess was wrong.

There was that stupid fucking smirk again.

"You guessed correctly, Ackerman." He said, laughing.

"Why did your sorry ass just have to come to camp when I was trying to enjoy my last year at the hell hole?"

"'Cause I knew I'd be making your life hell, Ackerman."

"Stop using my last name every time you talk, alright? It's weird."

"Whatever you say... Ackerman." He said as he took his own bags and walked onto the bus.

I followed swiftly behind him and wandered throughout the bus looking for an open seat. No one offered me a spot next to them so of course, I ended up sitting by Erwin.

As soon as I sat down, the bus went from its parked position to the speed of a race car in a matter of seconds. Erwin laughed at me, seeing that I got scared when the bus made a loud screeching sound.

"Shut the fuck up, you asshole."

"Ooh... Someone's feisty. What's got you in a bad mood, Ackerman?"


I was gonna have to get to the whole last name thing.

"You. You've got me in a bad mood. Why'd you have to show up and ruin my last five weeks of summer? You know I hate you. You hate me just as much, so why did you come to this fucking summer camp?"

"Just like you said. To ruin the five weeks you have left of summer. Also, I thought I might meet some hot babes here. I could set you up too, y'know."

I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh.

"I don't want your whore-y setups. You can keep all the whores to yourself. I'm fine in my position anyways, so fuck off."

He laughed at me. I just didn't get why he was here and why he wanted to ruin my life more than he already has. I can never get him out of my head and it's stupid, because I should fill my mind with things that I actually give two shits about. And Erwin Smith is not something I even give one shit about.

The bus ride seemed shorter than usual, probably because all I thought about was ways that I could get Erwin Smith to go away. Or ways that I could sneak out of camp so I wouldn't have to see his dumb face anymore.

We reached camp and everyone on the bus cheered while I sat annoyed in my seat. Erwin placed his hand on my upper thigh. I looked down at his hand and then up to him. He didn't seem to notice where his hand was so I shoved it off. My face was heating up and my cheeks were turning pink. I could also feel something in my pants.

No. It couldn't be and will never be.

I'm not gay.

And there is absolutely no way that Erwin fucking Smith could make my dick hard.

I decided to not think about it. I looked back over at Erwin who was smirking at me for what must have been the millionth time.

"W-what do you want?" I asked, still flustered.

"Oh, nothing. I've just never seen you so flustered before, Ackerman. Did I cause this?" He asked, putting his hand on my cheek.

I smacked his hand away and grabbed my bags. I stormed off the bus and followed the other boys who would be in my cabin. I had basically memorized where everything was, and we always had the same cabins every year, so I didn't really have to follow anyone.

Erwin ran up beside me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"This is gonna be a fun five weeks, right?!" He asked, excitedly.

I rolled my eyes, pushed his arm off of my shoulder, and walked faster so I could get away from him.

I hated camp a lot. One thing I hated more than camp was Erwin Smith. Being in hell with the person you hate most is something someone like me can't take for very long.

There is one thing I know about the rest of my summer:

It is gonna be absolute fucking hell.

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