"I'm not too picky, I just don't like flashy clothing." She defended and Nora pulled a sage green dress out, one that Lorena hadn't seen the first time, it wasn't flashy but it had long sleeves and embroidery on the bodice.

"Is this fine?" Nora asked, and Lorena nodded. "Well, I guess I'll help you, seeing that the reason I came up here was to tell you that the company has already arrived and that you should come downstairs and be a good lady and greet our guests." Nora laughed at her sisters shocked face.

"What?" She squeaked which made Nora laugh harder. She felt her face turn red and she scrambled up quickly, tripping and delaying her. She looked in the mirror, her hair had frizzed and she was frustrated that she was going to be late and make him wait.

"I'll help you, don't worry." Nora consoled her, trying to calm her nerves.

Lorena thanked her and shook her head. "Why didn't mother just tell me? It wouldn't have been all this drama otherwise." She said.

"Oh I don't know, but I do know that it will only take a few minutes to get you into the dress and redo that hair of yours."


"Are you missing Canada too much?" Mr. Pills asked Aaron, as he was seated in the parlor once more, in one of the wing backed purple chairs, it was strange to him, he had never once been in this position before, having a young lady's father asking him questions. It wasn't like he hadn't talked to the father's of young ladies that he had found attractive before, but it was uncomfortable to Aaron because he had yet to tell his intentions to Mr. Pills and Lorena herself, so he did not know where he stood.

"Oh, it's always sad to be away from home, but I'm finding that Andover is a lovely place to stay." He said, and his ears pricked when he heard footsteps in the hall. Lorena?

But Nora came in, all smiles, claiming that Lorena would be ready in a few moments. didn't she know that he was coming?

But then he heard faster more hurried steps, too unladylike to me Mrs. Pills. He sat up as they paused at the door, the room was quiet and then the door opened, Aaron swallowed.

Her hair wasn't perfect, and she was wearing a green dress. Her cheeks were red and she seemed nervous, he smiled at her.

"Hello Miss, Lorena." She looked at him, she was uncomfortable, and the word Miss coming from him seemed odd. Not like Aaron Ryder at all. Maybe being away from all of his friends was making him an odd person, or maybe Lorena, he had never had a serious girl before.

"Hello." She said, her demure smile, it wasn't at all like the girls his age that he had met.

"Well, shouldn't you get going? You want to get back before your father arrives for dinner." Howard said, and Aaron nodded. He looked at Lorena who looked at Nora, who just sat back on the sofa a little bit more, which made Lorena's eyes flashed to her father, who was just walking to the porch.

Aaron felt like he should take charge and smiled at Lorena. "Well I think it would be best if we head off now, wouldn't it?" She nodded and looked at Nora again, who was just smiling at her, she nodded her head and her and Aaron left the parlor, going through the front door, and around the house to the stable.

"Well, I think we can saddle the horses and then be on our way, we should be back by, what do you think, seven, thirty?" She asked him, he nodded. Inside that stable the light was dim and it smelt like horse manure and hay.

"I think seven, thirty sounds like a good idea." He said, she went up to a light colored horse.

"Would you like Abraham, or Eddy?" She asked him, the horse in front of her must be Abraham.

The Beginning of the end (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now