Chapter 9

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"A letter for you." Susan said, when Nora came into breakfast on May 26th. Lorena could tell she was thrilled, but she just chastely accepted the letter from her mother. She took her seat across from Lorena and opened the letter with shaking fingers. Lorena poured her a cup of tea and put some sugar in it, after spending sixteen years side by side with someone it was hard not to notice their habits.

She read through the letter slowly and without any noise, her parents were conversing but an kept an eye on their oldest daughter, they knew exactly what this letter was about. She put the letter down on the table and looked up, the emotion on her face conveying nothing that she was feeling. Her mother looked at her expectantly, and when she said nothing she cleared her throat.

"Well? Your father and I are over here on the edge of our seats, and I'm sure your sister is as well." She said laughing, such casual speaking that would most likely cause bewilderment with regular society.

"Sir Fredrick is going to come and stay at the hotel in town on June 9th."Nora said unceremoniously. Father looked pleased and mother smiled.

"Well that should be just dandy now wouldn't it?" He said, surprisingly. Nora laughed and nodded her head agreeing with him fully.

Lorena finished with her breakfast and made her way to the kitchen.

"Hello Miss Lorena." Said Mrs. Leery cheerfully, she had helped in the kitchen off and on for that last two weeks and she was feeling bad for not doing more, she said so to Mrs. Leery who waved her off with a rough hard-worked hand. "You've done plenty, and it isn't your job at all. But I understand doing things that make you feel satisfied at the end of the day."

Lorena nodded, the woman understanding exactly how she felt.

"Don't you have plans for this morning?" Mrs. Leery asked her and she shook her head.

"Not that you I know of." Lorena said, wiping her hands n the front of her dress.

"Oh so no one has told you?" She asked laughing and shaking her head, "Your mother just likes to keep you on edge now doesn't she?" She said chuckling.

"What? What is happening?" Lorena inquired, a thrill went through her, and she knew why her mother was keeping a secret. Maybe this would be a test on how ladylike she could be if caught unawares by a gentleman that she had affectionate feelings towards.

"Well, I see. You'll have to ask your mother." She said, and went around to the other side if the long wooden table that stretched through the middle of the kitchen.

Lorena shook her head, frustrated that her mother refused to tell her anything. "Well thank you for informing me, I'd like to not make it a usual occurrence to look like I just ran twenty miles on a regular basis." She said, laughing.

"I understand, but I think that maybe you should go and do something about that, because you didn't hear it from me but there might be someone arriving soon." Mrs. Leery told her, she thanked her and left to go and find something in her room to wear.


After she had rifled through her drawers and thrown every dress out she sat down on the floor frustrated. When her door opened and Nora's head peeked in and she giggled at the state Lorena was in.

"I see you've heard someone was coming." She said, coming into the room, the door clicking softly behind her.

Lorena only groaned in response.

"Okay, let me help you. If only you wouldn't be so picky about clothes being too gaudy it would be much more help to find something nice. Since you're going to be riding maybe change into something simple." Nora suggested looking through the pile of clothes on her bed.

The Beginning of the end (WIP)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz