Chapter 1- His demeanor

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That's what I felt ever since I stepped into this world filled with brutality.I kept reminding myself to have faith to not act so conceited. But what was I to do? I was broken...tormented...scratched

You have no one
My conscious seemed to be a step ahead of me. "Its alright Enzi you don't need to act brave just let it all out" my mothers words kept ringing in my head. If I let it all out now I would have the same fate as her. Not to soon I wanted more. Rummaging in my own thoughts I walked across the dark alleys deep into darkness... It was still 10pm why were the street lights off already? I thought.
Well what did you expect? A spotlight show as you made your way back to that dark pit?
I sighed. Sometimes my own conscious lowered my self esteem. It wasnt my fault I was forced to work this late. Stupid part time jobs.
After what felt like eternity I reached the small dump that was my home "for now" I thought. It didn't seem so bad at least i had a roof on my head even though the man who provided me this roof was a sick alcoholic. I opened the door to expect the unexpected. The usual? No. My drunk uncle didn't lay dead on the floor like always. This time he was arguing...with some people. "Weird" I muttered to myself why would anyone want to waste there breath arguing with someone as low as my uncle. Judging by the clothes of those individuals they seemed way to uptight more like "high class" Were rich people really that obnoxious to come to dirt pits like these?. My thoughts were interrupted when I was met by cold gazes. All three men turned to look at me. As an indication I lowered my head and stared at the floor scared to look up. I was someone who couldn't ever voice her opinion or speak back that was why I often found myself alone most of the time.
As an indication to "get lost" I began to make my way to my room. Before I could do so I was stopped by one of the men. "Shit" I muttered to myself did I do something wrong was I going to get crucified for it?.
Before I could make sense for anything that happened I turned my head up and studied the men in the room. My eyes landed on a tall boy about the same age as me narrowing his gaze at me.
His eyes were dark blue, he fit the description of the typical good looking boy in every romance novel.Only difference was that he looked like someone who would chop off anyone's head . This time it looked like he would chop off my head if I hadn't stop staring at him.

"Is this the girl?" he asked with a huge scowl on his face. Probably because I was ugly.
"That's her" my uncle replied without gazing at my direction
"That'll do for now morris,but what happened to evagaline?"he asked
How did he know about my mother?. Tsk stalker

"Well what do ya think? She's buried 10feet deep into the ground a penalty for her sins. Worst of all she leaves her reminders in my custody " my uncle replied giving me a murderous glare.
I looked away. He was right I wasn't his responsibility anyway.I chewed my bottom lip nervously thinking what was gonna happen to me.
"I see too bad.. Must be a nuisance for you to take care of her" he scoffed. His dark blue eyes studying me. I let out a sigh

why am i always hated?

It was only a matter of seconds when my gaze met his cool one a genuine smirk appeared on his face. If looks could kill I would have been choking blood right now. Without saying anything he signalled his men and they pulled me out of the shop back into the cold alley.

This man.... What did he want.. His lips twitched as he leaned closer to face me. Our lips only inches apart. He lowered his voice for me to hear as he whispered

" you will keep that mouth of yours shut while we leave this alley got it? And if you don't I won't hesitate to break your wrist"

I gulped

His words were cold. I revolted.
There was no way I would follow this murderer anywhere . Before I could escape I felt something hard hit my head. Pain gushed in quickly. My body trembled with the force. I couldn't feel anything as darkness enveloped me. Those cold blue eyes triggered towards my lifeless body. The only thing visible to me was his demeanor. His Sadistic demeanor.

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