"Zoran forever!" Gray groggily whispered excitedly causing both Zach and Loren to cringe at the boys childish behaviour. Clair let out a hearty laugh, sort of understanding what the boy meant, seeing it as a younger generational thing.

"Oh, god no! Is that really our names put together?" She asked, having actually never done so before. The only thing she had ever thought of was making her last name Mitchell. Some heart stricken teenager she was.

"I think it's quite fitting," Clair smiled encouragingly at the young boy. Loren and Zach shared a confused look, not understanding how it could be fitting but they made a mental note to look up the name later to see what it meant. A gasp coming from Clair tore the two elder teens away from each other as they looked towards the woman. "Get up, it's your parents. Oh, God, it's your parents."

Across the ways, Loren caught sight of Mr and Mrs Mitchell along with her father and a young teen boy about her and Zach's age frantically looking around the crowds of people for their own family.

"Dad!" Loren yelled out at the man before her. He didn't even say anything to her, all he could do was embrace his daughter in the biggest, softest bear hug he could muster, he didn't know what he'd do if he lost his daughter as well. It's only been a day but boy did she miss her father! "Dad I love you so, so much. Don't ever let me leave again!"

"I will never let you leave again, ever." He promised, letting out a chuckle before pulling away and whipping a few stray tears off her checks causing her to laugh and lean into her fathers comforting touch, "I love you, sweetheart." He whispered out, happy to see her alive. "Are you okay?" She nodded, only to be pulled away from her father and into another hug, though this hug was less comforting and more annoyingly sloppy, but she enjoyed it never the less.

"I swear to go if you ever leave me again, I'm going to sue your asses for neglect!" Cried Marcus as he pulled away from the girl with a frantic yet relived look in his eyes. "When you originally didn't message me back I thought you were just ignoring me or had bad reception, then I saw the news."

"The news?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, I looked up Jurassic World and the first thing that popped up we're a bunch of news articles about dinosaurs running wild. I thought you died!"

"Hey, I'm okay. See!" She smiled, raising her arms and twirling around.

"Your hand says otherwise. He smiled looking down at the bloody bandage. "Did a dinosaur do that? Have you got a cool story to tell? Where's Zach? Is he okay." Loren only giggled at her friend as he continued asking multiple questions. As he rambled, her mind focused on Zach as he spoke to his parents, though his eyes met her own and he sent a small amused smile her way.

Loren also saw her father move off towards Clair and held her hand indearingly, thanking her for looking after his daughter and for getting Loren back home in one piece. After, the adults begun talking while Clair went off on her own, Zach came over and took Marcus' attention away from Loren and towards himself.

"Hey buddy!" Marcus laughed, giving Zach a big hug. Though Loren quickly broke the two friends apart as she hit Zach's shoulder with her good hand and pointed towards Clair whom was speaking to Owen.

"Look!" She pointed towards them. "We might get the kiss at the end of the story after all." Marcus turned towards the woman with a slight frown of confusion, they expected the two to kiss but as they watched in anticipation, it never happened.

"I guess there just wasn't meant to be a kiss at the end." Zach sighed, a little happy he didn't have to watch another awkward exchange between his Aunty and Owen. She looked down, a little disappointed her story didn't come true, however there was still one chance for that ending kiss, so she looked up to Zach with a twinkle in her eye.

"Says who?" Loren grabbed onto Zach's top with bother her hands, not bothering with the pain in one as she pulled his face down to meet her lips. The boy was taken back but he quickly melted into his second kiss of the night (morning?) before wrapping his arms around one of his bestfriends whom he realised he loved with all his heart.

Marcus let out a large gasp as everyone around them stared at the likely couple whom everyone had been making bets on for the passed five years. "Omg, I won. I won!" Marcus cried in victory as he turned towards Loren's father whom faked cried.

"I think Zach is the first guy she's ever kissed." He said joyfully causing Loren to pull away from Zach feeling embarrassed.

"DAD!" She cried, then turned towards Marcus, "You won what?"

"I bet an extra twenty that you guys were gonna confess on this trip. So hand over the cash." He smiled, turning towards the other adults who huffed and handed the teenager his winnings.

"Wait, I thought you liked Loren?" Zach questioned with confusion in his voice, having expected Marcus to be furious after their kiss.

"I did, but got over it pretty quickly after I noticed you both dancing around each other. God, it took so long." He sighed, patting his best friends shoulder before Zach took him into a hug.

"You're teaching a teen that it's okay to bet?" Loren asked her father as he handed the kid and fifty, then Gray added a fiver into the mix, "What the hell!"

"Also, you owe me that chocolate bar." Marcus smiled towards the two teens who's mouths opened wide as they turned to each other wondering what to say. A bashfully smile filled their faces as Zach rubbed his neck looking anywhere but his friend.

"The dinosaur ate it?" Zach tried, only for Marcus to huff upsettingly. Knowing that they had never bought it in the first place.

Warrior [Jurassic World] Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now