Chapter 6 - Hayley has Been Told

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Hayley's POV:
I got into the car, and surprisingly saw daddy in the front.
Me: Hey daddy. Where's mommy?
Daddy: She's, uh, at home with Annie. There was an incident at gym. We can talk about this at home though.
I was concerned.
Me: Ok then.. Can I vlog?
Daddy: Sure.
He passed me the camera while still keeping his eyes on the road. I turn it on flip it up, make sure to not let anyone see the road or else they'll find out where we live, then start recording.
"Hey guys, so I'm in the car cause I just finished school, and today I did science and got a certificate at assembly for it! Oh and I got invite to my friend Sophie's birthday party in two weeks. Oh daddy I forgot to tell you it's on, like, the 17th or something? Anyway so daddy picked me up today even though it was mommy's day because apparently something happened at Annie's.." But daddy stopped me.
Daddy: Hayley, you can't tell them.
Me: But we could tell them about her sprained ankle!
Daddy: Oh, it's not an injury Hayley.
Me: Oh, ok..
I stopped recording and turned the camera off. I put it on the seat beside me. What could it be then? Something about Liv? That was bad though, so I hoped it wasn't that. Then daddy got a text on his phone. He glanced at it (we were at a red light), then spilled out everything to me. I was on the verge of crying.
Me: Seriously?! Peanut said that! Then the text she sent! Oh my goodness, so she's not Katie's friend anymore?!
Daddy: Nor Annie or mommy know know who's telling the truth. For now, she is staying home from gym. You must not talk to her or ask questions when we go in, just walk up to your room and mommy will talk to you. I will be with Annie.
I hadn't realised, but we were in the garage. I guess I just had so many tears that my eyes were blurry. I'm scared to see my sister now, I don't know what will happen.

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