1. Bell - Suzu

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Characters: Shiro, Keith, OC
Summary: Keith visits a shrine near the Garrison when Shiro tells him he's leaving on the mission.
Pairings: None
Theories: Shiro and Keith are biological siblings.
Warnings: None

Staring up at the Shinto shrine created a deep, sickening feeling in the stomach as Keith's lips pushed together, his hands shoved into his pockets in frustration. The young cadet found himself surprised there was an actual Shinto shrine near the garrison in the small city located an hour away. The place represented everything he wanted to get away from, and yet upon hearing Shiro tell him he would be gone for a few months on a mission led him to find some kind of consolation in regards to the empty feeling he felt. The older teen was the only person he'd ever found himself able to talk to, to open up in regards to how angry at the world he was in, but then Shiro knew his circumstances - they were the same. They were family.

Keith's eyes closed, wondering if he should head up the hill. The cadet took the time to get on the bus without Shiro knowing where he was on their day off at the Garrison. The older teen cared about what he did, but also believed in giving the young cadet freedom to be himself, and to walk off steam. As long as he was back in time for dinner, he wouldn't end up worrying his caretaker, yet his feet still wouldn't move up the stairs, or towards the bus stop. "It's been awhile since I felt this alone."

The young man couldn't deny the feeling sucked, and yet he feared to make a decision regarding what to do, particularly one that didn't involve lashing out. His lungs finally released a deep breath of air, and he headed up the stairs, one at a time, moving slowly, his hands shoved into his pants hoping he didn't stand out like a sore thumb. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw quite a few people giving him a look, but he brushed it aside, finding himself used to the looks. He arrived at the top of the stairs, his breath drawing tight, the feeling of not belonging growing, but the question of why he was there almost leading to a panic attack.

His eyes closed again, before heading to the purification fountain, his hands reaching down to nervously pick up the ladle, remembering Shiro taking him on his first visit when no one else would, the older child lecturing him about proper etiquette, but smiling every so often in amusement. Another breath escaped his lips, the pleasant memory making the anxiety go away. He let the calm rush over him, before taking the time to rinse both hands, transferring some water to a hand to rinse his mouth, spitting it out to the side. He then closed his eyes, letting the peacefulness of the place watch over him, remembering something Shiro told him. "If you ever feel anxiety, like you're going to lose your temper, go to a spiritual place to calm your spirit."

The words honestly still didn't make any sense, but he still felt there was something to the older teens words, his fingers tapping on his arm. His eyes snapped open when an older woman's voice drew his attention. He turned his head, a smile spreading across his face as she spoke to him in his native tongue. "Do you not know what to do?"

"Sorry. I've not visited a shrine since I left Japan. I've actually already performed the purification ritual. It's nice hearing someone else speak Japanese"

"Do you mind accompanying me? Most youth these days don't care about tradition. I also agree with you on hearing the language young one. Your parents taught you well."

Keith felt his mouth twist slightly, but then he smiled. "I wish. They passed when I was four. It was actually my older brother who taught me what to do."

"He's not with you?"

"No. Aniki is..." The boy frowned. "He's preparing for a trip. He'll be gone for awhile. He told me though to come here when I felt lost, but I was foolish and never really listened to him. I kind of prefer going out into the desert, but this time, I came here."

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