Starfleet Academy

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She snuck out again! Only this time, she was really going to follow her father. She snuck around the workers milling about and watched Kirk meet her father again then enter into a group pod to leave. Captain Pike wandered off to another area while speaking to someone else and she hurried and went into the pod. Smiling and watching her own back she banged her head on a metal bar then grabbed it. Feeling embarrassed she ducked and maneuvered around then went to an empty seat and sat down then figured out the buckles and did them up. She kept her eyes on the entrance and saw a man be pulled in. "I don't NEED a doctor! I AM a doctor!" He stated. She smiled then looked down and fixed her uncomfortable belt to be more comfortably positioned. Then looked to the cadet beside her. "What?" She asked him.
he looked away then she looked ahead and smiled. She was going on an adventure!

It took off in flight and she felt both elated and frightened. She was leaving everything she knew behind. And everything she needed! She just jumped right into this. What was she thinking?! She relaxed and just, enjoyed the flight. It landed after a short while and everyone was unbuckling and exiting the craft. She unbuckled then got up and watched Kirk head out with the doctor. She exited with the crowd and they began to disperse on the grounds. She looked up and around and was turning as she was looking up and stepping. Suddenly she collided with someone and knocked books over. "I'm so sorry!" She said and got down to help the young man pick up his books. "It is okay. It was my fault. I should have been looking." He said in an accent. "Are you Russian?" She asked. He looked to her then began to smile. "Yes. I am." He answered. She was smiling and instantly felt lost in his eyes. "Artulissa." She introduced. "Chekov." He introduced. He clutched the books to his chest and slowly stood with her. "I am, twuly sowwy I wan into you." He apologized and got shy. "It's okay Chekov. I'm not hurt." She said sweetly. "Well, I must get them back to zee libwawy where I get zem from. I mean, where else? Would I?" He shyly said. She shrugged. "I hope our paths cross again soon!" She said. "I do as well! Have a splendid day!" He said and waved as he hurried off. "First day on Campus and I already meet a cute guy." She said. She turned around ran into a big guy dressed in red then fell down. She looked up at him with disgust. "Watch where you're going, tiny." He said and walked on. "Jerk." She said and got up then dusted herself off. She walked on, still remembering Chekov. And everything was alright. Until the back of her neck was grabbed.

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