Ch. 1

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The morning alarm goes off. 

The constant ringing echos through the hallways, causing groans to be heard throughout the girls' sleeping quarters.

They don't bother me, though.  I have already lied awake for hours.

My dreams are what keep me up. 

I've always had dreams about a boy.  We held hands together, gloves off.

People will probably tell me that this is a nonsense dream, but it feels real.

Ones with the opposing sexes are not allowed to go near each other.  The Officials tell us that this will cause some sort of distraction between us. 

Distractions will not be permitted here, wherever here is.

They tell us that we are the key to making the world better.  That the more we focus, to more that we are likely to succeed.  I may never know how we are going to succeed.

Everyone steps out of their sleeping boxes.  We change into our uniforms- white jumpsuits with our logo imprinted on the back.

We all line up single file, so we can take our morning injections. 

The Officials tell us that they will help us learn better.  Yet, they never tell us how.

We must only take them on our right arm.  We don't know why this is so, either. 

After I feel the needle dive into my already bruised skin, I am allowed to move on.

I wait outside the door for my partner, Tiara.

Our partners are the only ones whom we can talk to.  We have known each other for as long as we can remember, and now are not allowed to leave each other's sight.

Tiara sees me.  She has a ripped piece of tissue pressed against her skin.

"Got you too deep again?" I ask.

"Yes.  Again!  I do not understand why they don't do the same with you, Lynn," she complains, tucking her black hair behind her ear.

"I'm sure it's because your skin is more sensitive than mine," I suggest, "there is nothing that they have against you, do not worry."

She raises an eyebrow, turning towards me.

A group of boys walk by.  Some make faces at us, but no words are said.

"I wonder what they're like," Tiara nudges her head towards them.

"I think I might know," I say, now thinking of the dream that I repeatedly have.

"What do you mean?  Have you secretly met up with one?" Tiara sounds excited, yet suspicious.

"No.  It's..." I'd prefer not to tell her about the dreams, "it's nothing."

She raises an eyebrow once more, but doesn't say anything.

We head towards our workroom.  I press my fingerprint against the screen, and the door immediately swings open.  I think that they should program the doors to open slower.

Tiara looks around the disheveled room, "which project should we work on?"

I hesitate.  I want to start on a new one, and this time finish it.  We haven't been recorded for credit in a while.

"Why don't we try something new," I say.

"Try something new?!  We have at least twenty unfinished projects, Lynn!  We don't need to start anything else."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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