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victoria's sitting right near me. and trenton. and maria. and jackson. lisa. tyler. emily. danny.

they're all staring at me and victoria is hovering over my fingers on the screen. she's staring at this, steady and not saying a word.

she looked at me when i finished typing that and made a disappointed look.

it smells like mint and left over chinese food. two of your favorite things.

i have to say goodbye ameria. well, i don't have to, i'm not being forced to, but i'm being told it's for my own good, and maybe yours too.

they're letting me talk to you only once a day, hoping by next month, none at all. with the help of recovery sessions with mr. Allway.

i'm on my way to recovery. and i don't know what else to say. this is all they told me to say.

since i texted you earlier, i'll see you tomorrow.


Received: Jan, 14, 2013, at 8:44 PM

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