Chapter 6

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I stood inside my room shivering from the cold air that came in from the A/C.

"56 more minutes before we leave!" Zayn yelled walking in my room with a pan and wooden spoon in my room. He nodded at me before he started banging the spoon against the pan and screaming as he made his way down the hall.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS NOT THE MORNING! ITS 7PM ZAYN!" Claudia screamed from another room.


I flinched a bit at the screaming and yelling from Claudia and Niall.

I slid on the heels and started walking back and forth carefully to test them out. "Perfect." I smirked before I checked the back of my dress to make sure I didn't have lint on my ass.

I had to say, black goes amazing with these heels. Gosh, I sound so girly. I mentally said face palming myself.

I grabbed my phone and walked into a random room, which turned out to be Zayn's.

Claudia was applying hairspray to his "quiff." They didn't seem to notice I had walked in but Zayn was whining about how his hair has been acting up lately and Claudia just laughed before she bent over the table to pick up the box of hair products. I couldn't help but laugh quietly when he was staring at her 'end'.

"Heyy." Niall said sliding his hand around my shoulders making the other 2 jump.

Claudia held her hand to her chest.

"You scared me!" She whispered yelled.

"I just came to ask if we were going." Niall said resting his arm on my shoulder.

"We're going now, just get all of them downstairs and let me touch up Zayn's hairs really quick." Claudia said leaning onto the table.


I, somehow managed to get downstairs without falling and tripping. I was very proud.

I zipped the back of my heels once more before Claudia yanked me out the door and quickly, into the limo.

"How are we eating dinner if you're gonna have people jumping you guys?" I asked looking up from my lap.

"Easy. I rented the place and no one knows it's us with these on." Zayn said holding up a stuffed garage bag.

"What the hell is that?!" Claudia screeched.

"Inside the bags are coats!" Harry said.

"You wear then to get inside the restaurant without getting noticed with roaming people." Harry continued pulling out a hideous black brown coat.

"THAT THING LOOKS LIKE YOU USED A DEAD GUNIEA PIGS' FUR!" I screamed backing away further.

"No! ITS FAKE FUR!" Claudia said calming me down.

"Just wear it so we can get some food." Zayn said handing me a brown coat.

I huffed and placed the jacket over my shoulders and covered my head.

"You guys are going first."



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