Chapter 4

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"So you wanna leave me for 3 fucking years and tell me nothing?" Claudia asked frowning.

"I thought you would hate me if you saw me again," I said staring at her.

"I can't hate you. Even if I tried. I can't, it's also hard because I work for your brother's band and I can't hate his sister." She said shrugging.

"What do you do for the band?"

"I'm the makeup artist and the back up hair artist when Lou isn't here. I have a apartment but I usually stay here, I mean I literally stay here and do everyone's hair and makeup." She said filing her nails.

"We've been here for an hour and all you have been doing is filing your nails! I'm gonna go get some water and I'll be back." I said walking out my room.

When I was walking downstairs, at the end I missed a step and nearly fell. I had a mini heart attack then I tripped over something.

I got up rubbing my 'about-to-be-bruised' cheek and looked at the floor.

I saw Niall laying flatly on the floor eating potato chips like it was normal.

"Eat with me Jasmine." He said holding up the bag.

I smiled. I loved food. I grabbed the bag and ran for it.

"JASMINE!" He yelled running after me.

I sprinted around the halls knocking over some expensive vases.

I laughed at I jumped upstairs. Waving the bag over my head. I started to run even faster when he was near me.

I knocked over someone's iPhone that was sitting at the end of the small glass coffee table. The glass broke and I stopped.

Oh god, I broke someone's iPhone.

I backed up slowly and fell on top of Niall.

I heard doors opening and footsteps running towards me and Niall's direction.

"Whoa, she's only been here for 5 hours and she broke our stuff and Niall is always gonna get it in!" Louis said laughing loudly clapping his hands in the air.

I turned round to shoot him a glare but Zayn appeared and started bombarding me with questions.

"Seriously, I didn't mean to knock over things and break a phone. I mean you're lucky I didn't choose to do other bad stuff in the house." I said getting up.

"And what is that exactly?"

"Well other people do drugs and you should be happy I'm healthy and ALIVE."

"Jasmine I get you're close to 19 but you need to be careful and stop horse playing around the house. Just because we have money doesn't mean we spend it on everything." He said with a 'pissed off' face.

"Ok ok. Whoever's phone that was, I'll save up money to buy it." I said sighing.

Zayn was about to walk back but he stopped and turned around.

"Yeah.. Whose phone was that?" He said raising an eyebrow slightly.

"I think that was my phone." Niall said bending down to look at the broken phone.

"Jasmine doesn't have to pay Zayn, I can always get a new one. Plus it was my fault for giving her my chips so she can run around the house." Niall said picking up his phone and turning my direction.

"Claudia, I'm going out in an hour, I need my hair and makeup done." Harry said walking upstairs.

"And I need to speak to Jasmine and Claudia really quick." Zayn said heading into the bright lighted hallway and into the kitchen.

"Jasmine just because I have Claudia here doesn't mean you can joke around and break others stuff." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Zayn, she didn't mean to knock over the phone. Plus, I wasn't even there I was waiting for her to come back." Claudia said sliding her phone out her pocket.

I nodded at the two.

"Do you want me to do Jasmine's hair and makeup for tonight too?" She said changing the subject.

"What's tonight?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"They are taking you out for dinner tonight and I wanted to do your hair and makeup."

"Can you do my hair last?" Zayn asked taking a large bite out of his apple that he has picked up from the fruit basket on the counter.

"And before you leave Jasmine, make sure you don't get too close to Niall. I wouldn't want you being exposed to the media too quickly."

Was he embarrassed of me?

The Unexpected. (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now