Chapter 1 - Splatfest

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Kay's p.o.v
When I woke up I was so pumped up.
I put my hair up, grabbed my bag and ran out the door.
Lots of people were on the streets or on the sidewalk.
Talking to other inklings.
I waved to all of them.
Some waved back, others snarled at me.
When I got to the plaza I saw they got the stages ready were Callie and Marie would sing and dance and perform.
I've always stayed home during splatfests, but I see inklings posting pictures of it so I get the gist.
I skipped around.
I waved to the crew members.
One said "why are you so happy?"
"It's my first Splatfest" I said cheery
"Oh! Good luck then!" She said kindly
"Thanks..." I said silently then walked away from them and wait for Dia at the Café
When I saw her she waved to me.
For now, she had purple hair with headphones on, a mountain vest and some orange shoes with white lasses.
"What up?" Dia asked
"Nothing really..."
"You excited?"
She laughed.
"Hey you should draw something for the fest!"
My eyes widened "yeah I should!"
I rummaged through my bag and found a picture of me in the splatfest that I drew. I put the picture in that drawing box near the tower.

A few hours past while me and Dia were talking. But then I heard some inklings laughing. I turned my head to see 1 girl inkling and 2 boy inklings looking at me.
"Yes?" Dia asked. She looked like she was just threatened. Which we probably were
"Oh nothing about you, Dia" one of the boy inkling spat
I almost forgotten,
Dia was one of the most popular and fresh inklings in Inkopolis. Yet, not as popular as Callie and Marie
She lived in one of those fancy houses.
"Why do you hang out with her..?" The girl one spoke up
"She's not bad! She's still normal!" Dia spat
"But Dia.. She might be an octoling in disguise!" The boy inkling spoke up
My heart dropped. I was hurt by what he said. How dare he call me an octoling!
Dia saw how hurt I was from what he said. So she growled at them
"Listen back off will you?!" She spat "she is NOT an octoling! Ok?!"
The inklings looked at each other.
"Sorry Dia" the girl inkling spoke up "we didn't mean to make you mad"
I looked down at my feet and shuffled my feet around on the ground.
Dia patted me on the back.
"Look" one of the boy inklings began "we will see you at the splatfest Dia... Sorry again"
Dia was silent. They walked away
The thought came to me how would they even know what an octoling is?! Only agent 3 has really seen the octolings...
"I'm sorry they hurt you like that" Dia said snapping me out of my thoughts
"I-it's fine..." I said
"Cmon.." Dia began. "Let's train"
I nodded and we headed to the alley way.
It was sunset when we started training.
And me and Dia had 1v1 battles.
Dia one most of them however.
I only won one of them, but I bet Dia was letting me win.

A few minutes later, it was night.
Me and Dia ran to the plaza as fast as we could.
When we got to the tower, my heart started pounding.
It had been so long since I did a turf war.... Not only is this a turf war... This is splatfest...
We jumped into a game as quick as we could, my heart kept pounding.
We were battling in Saltspray Rig
The game started and everyone ran off.
I lost Dia 5 seconds after the game started so I decided to take my own path.
I filled up a lot and I actually defeated someone!
But then I heard someone call out "Backwards!" As I was covering some more land.
There were 2 squids who cornered me.
I splayed one but then the other pointed their gun at me.
Before I knew it, I was splat
I felt nothing, and it felt weird.
It only lasted 5 seconds though, when I started to feel life again I was back at the spawn point.
I realized my team was winning.
I cheered.
Then I turned into a squid and swam in my color ink, which was Blue.
I reached the others who were battling.
Dia signaled one of the inklings to ink the area while they were fighting.
I joined in the fight.
Dia saw me and smiled, I smiled back.
She splat a few inklings but then someone turned into a kraken
Then rammed into Dia and splat her.
I gasped.
When they turned back into an inkling a splat them.

I soon became face to face with a different ink colored squid.
It was the same inkling I saw yesterday.
Surprisingly he didn't splat me. He just pointed his gun to me, but did nothing.
"So..." He began "you're the inkling everyone talks about"
I gasped inklings talk about me?...
He took a good look at me. "You aren't that bad. I mean teeth are just minor details..."
I stood silent. I wanted to splat him, but at the same time I didn't.
Then I heard Dia call my name and splat him.
"Why didn't you splat him?!" She said to me
"I don't know..." I said sighing.
She sighed too "it's fine Kay... The games over now anyways... We won!"
"Really?!" I shouted in glee
She nodded.
We left the arena with a lot of coins.
"Hey" an inkling on my team spat
"Why were you on my team?!"
Dia looked at her "calm yourself" she began "she's a good player. We are lucky to have her on our team..."
The inkling was silent "tsk"
I looked at my feet again.

We played 15 games before stopping. We only lost one game, I hoped that night owls will be the winner!
Everyone walked out.
A girl inkling walked up to Dia and asked "hey Dia! There is a party in a few hours... Callie and Marie are gonna be there.. Wanna come?"
"Sure" she said. She looked at me. "Can Kay come?"
"Sorry, but it's for the freshest inklings..."
"Oh..." She looked at me
"It's fine" I began "I'll become more and more fresh in time... This is the 2nd last splatfest after all.... You should go"
"O-ok..." She followed the girl inkling and I lost where she was.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around to see it was the boy inkling from before.
"I know this is weird to ask" he began "but... May I see your teeth?"
I was silent for a second. Who in the world says something like that?!
He blushed "sorry... You don't have to"
I sighed...
"But" he began "want to hang out?"
I was silent for a second but then I nodded "sure!"
We went over to the stages to see Callie and Marie perform.
Inklings were dancing and cheering.
I danced too.
People glared or backed away from me.
The inkling boy glared at them.
I rolled my eyes at them.
When we both got tired we started to walk towards the houses.
I looked at him, and then a thought came to me that I had to ask.
"Hey, uh... I've been meaning to ask, what's your na-"
I was interrupted by him. "Let me see your teeth... Please"
"Why?!" I spat at him
"I've never seen an inkling with opposite fanged teeth! Cmon! I'm curious!"
I sighed and rolled my eyes laughing "fine, fine"
I opened my mouth wide.
He looked at my teeth "that's so cool!" He shouted
I closed my mouth "others say I'm weird..."
"Well I think it's awesome"
"T-thanks" I stuttered.
He was silent for a second and then he said "Dean"
"My name is Dean.... What's yours?"
"Kay" I responded
"It's not that cool"
"We'll still"
I laughed silently.
I grabbed my phone from my bag "Hey dean, wanna take photos for Splatnet and Inkstagram?"
"Sure" Dean replied.

The next few hours were the best days of my life.
We took a lot of pictures chatted a lot and made jokes.
Some things we talked about made me laugh so hard that my teeth showed.
Even when people glared I didn't really care as always.
When I got really tired I waved goodbye to Dean and walked to my house.
I posted the photos and then when I got my house I untied my hair and got in new clothes.
Me and him were really close friends now, and at first I thought so little of him. I thought he would mock me like every other inkling did, but he didn't...

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