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A young african woman, BRIELLE, in a long white gown walks through the desert with a small bag in her hand. She stops and looks around at her barren surroundings. The woman pulls a seed out of the bag and buries it in the ground. From the spot, water begin overflowing from the ground and forms four rivers going in different directions. Plants begin to burst from the dust. A gate appears around the entire area.

BRIELLE: Beautiful.

Brielle then walks up to a tree. She waves her hand and one of the trees breaks apart and a life sized, male puppet lays on the ground. From the tree she pulls an apple of gold and opens the puppet's chest, places the apple inside and closes it up. The man, ADAM, blinks his wooden eyes and sits up. A golden halo formed, floating around his head. Five strings attach to him, one on his head, two on his hands, and two on his feet.

ADAM: Who am I? Who are you?

BRIELLE: My name is Brielle. You... (thinking) You are Adam.

ADAM: Adam. I like that name. Who are you? Are you some sort of-

BRIELLE: Goddess? Why yes. I am. Now. I have made you to watch my garden. Feel free to wander the garden. It's all yours. I'll be back in three days. All the creatures of this garden are yours to name. Have fun. Be creative.

Brielle turns and walks off into the garden. Adam struggles to his feet, his wooden joints creak as he stands. He walks around the garden. His legs are stiff but walking is slowly becoming easier. Three days later, Brielle walks up to Adam, who is sitting on a log, petting a wolf.

BRIELLE: I see you've found a companion.

ADAM: (sighing) As much as I love Wolf, I just can't connect with him. I wish there was someone I could talk to. I see the creatures walking with another version of themselves but I'm here alone.

BRIELLE: Come here.

Brielle sits down next to Adam and he lays his head on her chest. She brushes his hair, shushing him.

BRIELLE (CON'T): I think I can help.

Brielle pulls a needle from her bag and pricks Adam's finger. Adam fall unconcious and Brielle opens his chest, cutting the golden apple in half. She closes him up and waves her hand. A life sized, female puppet appears on the ground. Brielle places the apple half in the puppet's chest. She closes it up. The puppet, EVE, sits up and blinks her wooden eyes. A halo and strings appear.

EVE: Who am I? Who are you? Who is he?

BRIELLE: I am Brielle. This is Adam, your husband.

EVE: But who am I?

BRIELLE: You are his wife. A simple kiss will wake him up.

Brielle stands up and backs away. She gestures for Eve to kiss Adam, which she does. Adam sits up.

ADAM: Eve?

EVE: Who?

ADAM: (suprised at the new woman) You... Your name is Eve. I don't know how... But for some reason, I feel like I've known you forever. Like you were a part of me.

BRIELLE: You now have each other. (to Adam) Unfortunately, when I made Eve, some of your... qualities were taken away.

ADAM: What do you mean?

BRIELLE: Well. Your listening skills, your empathy and a few more things were lost.

ADAM: Huh?

BRIELLE: Were you listening to me?

ADAM: I kinda blanked out for a minute there.

EVE: She said I have some qualities that you don't. As you can see I'm a better listener then you. (to Brielle) Anyway, as you were saying.

Garden Of Edenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें