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Okaie ! So this is gonna be all chritmas fluff ( kinda ...) even though it isn't christmas , infact it's a long way from christmas *laughs nervously* NEVER MIND I SAID THAT ! let's just frigging get to the story ..


I groan and sit up . I had woken up to the sound of my phone ( Leo invented a phone which can't be tracked by monsters . Don't ask how ) alarm beeping loudly . I struggle to stand up , but instead I fall down on the cold floor with a loud 'THUMP' . I shiver as I stand up . "why is it christmas?? And why is it cold ??" I complain . I was wearing only pajamas and thus I was freezing . My hands and legs were numb . " why do kick off my blankets at night ?" I mumbled . I step into the shower as I turn the hot water .
~~~le time skip~~~
I wear my usual clothes , black jeans , a black skull t-shirt and my black converses . Of course I wasn't gonna go out dressed like that ! It was snowing at camp too this time. I put on a black sweater amd wore my aviator jacket . I threw on a black beanie and stepped out . I immediately sneezed . I walked to the dining pavilion . I didn't wear my gloves since I didn't have a pair , so my hands were starting to freeze . I was about to ask for my food , when I saw a certain son of Apollo sitting next to me " Merry Christmas !" Will grinned . I just mumbled a hi . Great , now he thinks you're an idiot . I gave one toast as an offering to Hades and then procceded in nibbling mine . "Eat more Nico !" He says as he slides another toast on my plate . I groan as I go all out in trying to finish my toast - no now its TOASTS !! I finally finish my toast after chewing hard . I just couldn't get it to go down ! " Death boy , it isn't that hard to eat !" He laughed . " Don't call me that " I said , secretly enjoying the new nickname . Will must have noticed my hands shaking because just as I was about to stand he said "Take mine" He offered me his gloves as he gave me a warm smile . "No , you'll feel cold too" I said shaking my head . " Nah , being the son of Apollo has benefits , I can warm my hands when I wish " He gave me a lop sided smile . He took my hands and I swear to Hades , my stomach did a 360 degree flip . I flinched at the contact . "Relax , I'm gonna bite you ! " He chuckled . I blushed as I looked down . He slipped the gloves on my hand and squeezed my hands gently . I blushed again . Di dio ( trans : gods ) , why can't I stop blushing . " I like it when you blush " Will smiled. Shit I said that out loud . He let go of my hands and said " I'm gonna see you in your cabin in a few . I-I've gotta tell you something " He waved me goodbye and rushed to his cabin . I waved back . I sighed and a white cloud of my breath appeared . It seemed to resmeble my brain right now . Fogged with confusion on wether I like him or not . I started thinking about Will on my way back to my cabin . The way his blue eyes seemed to sparkle , I get lost in those light hues of blue . Each and everytime he smiles at me , I feel lightheaded , as if all the pain in the world had subsided . I felt butterflies in my stomach as I thought about the way he held my hands . Is this what it feels like to love ? I wondered as I entered my cabin and sat on my bed in deep thoughts .


I walk into my cabin and grab another pair of gloves and slip them on my hands . I heard a cough . "Yeah ?" I asked as I turned . Her short hair was newly dyed bubble pink. I wonder why she picked such bright colors , not that I minded , she looked cute like that .
" Hey Will , going to meet your wittle Nico ?" She teased . " oh gods Kayla , can you be anymore childish ? " I shook my head , chuckling . "Hey I'm just asking ....But if you are , just doing do anything wrong you know ..." she wiggled her eyebrows . " Oh gods Kayla , I swear -" she cut my off . " okay okay , but please if you do , use protection !" She held her hands up in surrender . I blushed deeply as she went out the cabin laughing like crazy . I took a deep breath as I walked out of my cabin to Nico's cabin . Today I was gonna confess to him . I just hope he doesn't hate me . As I approached his cabin door I heard sobbing inside .
( zhe feels are coming guys )
I flung open the door to see Nico huddled on his bed , his knees till his chest and chin on his knees . His eyes were closed and tears were pouring out . He must've not seen me coming since he didn't stop crying . He was muttering sumthing in Italian ." perché Bianca? mi manchi. Vorrei che tu fossi qui ( trans : why Bianca? I miss you . I wish you were here) " He muttered . I closed the door and looked at him with worried eyes . He heard the door click and opened his eyes in a panic . He wiped his tears roughly . " H-hi Will .." he said biting his lip but a sob escaped his mouth . He clasped a hand over his mouth and shut his eyes tightly . I rushed over to him and hugged him. He tensed at first but then turned normal again " Nico whats wrong ? " I asked . No answer . " Nico ?" I asked . " She-I miss my sister , Bianca . W-we used to celebrate christmas together ... Now every ye-year , christmas brings me sadness , not happiness , like it was with Bi-Bianca . It hurts to know that she's gone . Today is a painful reminder for me of Bianca " He whispered. He buried his face in my chest and held my arms tighly . "Hey I'm here now , you can celebrate christmas with me " I said. He looked up and gave a ghost of a smile . He pulled away . "Anyways this isn't important ..What did you want to tell me
?" He asked . I looked at him , the way his soft jet black hair framed his face . His black clothes contrasted with his pale , almost white skin . His eyes , big and brown , as if I could just jump into those dark orbs and get lost in them , forever . " Will ? " he asked . His cheeks were tinted slightly pink. " Will , w-what's wrong ?" He said nervously . " Nothing " I shook my head . I placed my hands on his cheeks and leaned closer ( ahhhh !! It's happening !! :3 ) I saw Nico blush a deep crimson . I was only one inch away from his face . I felt his breath on my lips . I gazed into those mesmerizing onyx eyes . Finally I brushed my lips against his , as if asking ' can I ? ' . His lips answered back ' yes ! ' He wrapped his arms around my neck and my arms travelled from his cheeks to his waist . Our lips moved in perfect sync , we fit like puzzle pieces , there wasn't one gap between us . There is one story in which it's said that humans once had four arms , four legs and two heads. They were powerful of course , but Zeus grew so afraid of them that he cut them in half , resulting each human in having two arms , two legs and one head . Since then humans have been trying to find their other halfs . And I know , that Nico is my half , lika a missing puzzle piece of my life . Nico pulled back and gazed at me . " I love you Nico " I breathed
" Ti amo Will . It means I love you in Italian. " He smiled . " Say it more often " I said hugging him again .


I am complete - Will and Nico thought at the same time


Oh my gods !! This is my first story and ....Squeee !!! I was crying so bad ... Even if there weren't too
many feels . But heck my first chapter ? Wow !


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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