Chapter 14: (Sneak Peek)

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May hasn't stirred once, and as the night has progresses her health has declined. Her breathing has become ragged and shallow and she is starting to get a fever. Her face is matted with her blood spilled by those monsters. I gingerly brush her hair away to find an inch long gash across her for head. upon later in section I found bruises and cuts along her legs and arms.

'What did those monsters do to you" I whisper into the night air. I have stopped the bleeding from her head wound but I have nothing to protect it from infection.

I had once trusted Aspen with my life, so had America, but things change.

Apparently people do to.

The slapping of foot falls echo all around the dungeon. Light dances off the wall, until it reveals a face in the doorway. The guards normally hard face has softened as he looks at May.

"Here this will help," he says placing  a medical kit on the ground, "Take care of her will you.."

I glance at the kit, then back up to him, "Why are you helping her?"

"I had a little girl like her once, wish I had had someone to help her when she needed it." Turning he goes to leave.

"Thank you." not looking back he nods, leaving us.

I gingerly take the medical kit. I open it to find all sorts of ointments pills herbal stuff bandages and alcohol swabs.

I lift May's head off my lap and un wrap my shirt from her head. Taking the alcohol wipes I carefully clean the wound. Mays body stiffens as I do this and I cant help but feel bad. I take the ointment and place it on the wound and wrap it.

"Better" I sigh. But there is still possibility of infection and that possibility scares me to death.

Author's  note

Hey guys if you enjoy this Fan Fiction please please check out my new one!!!  it would mean a lot!!

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