Chapter 8

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Note: This chapter is NOT edited, boring and probably doesn't really make sense at all... so I'm sorry in advance :( I'm just in one of my moods, 'cause I'm so stressed out with HW

This chapter is dedicated to treachery for the lovely banner on the sidebar  :D ->

I was never one for high school parties. 

In fact, I hated them.

Why? I honestly didn’t know. 

Maybe it was because of the booming music that threatened to burst my eardrums, or maybe it was because of the 'staircase-hogging' couples that were fine with getting to second base, not bothering to hide from the prying eyes of hormonal (and gossipy) teens, or maybe it was because a party was where I first got my heart broken by none other than Leonardo Wesley Tanner.

I grimaced at the thought as I attempted to climb up the stairs, making sure to clamber over a couple’s entwined legs. Clutching the handrail, I heaved an euphoric sigh of relief as I arrived on the second floor. 

God, that was intense.

I ran my fingers through my matted knots of hair, flinching as I felt sweat come in contact with my skin. Whipping my head from left to right, I attempted to find a familiar face. My eyes brightened as my gaze fell onto Adam, West’s best friend and the owner of this house.

“Adam!” I tried to screeched over the music, but my attempt was futile.

He was too busy conversing with a leggy brunette. Rolling my eyes, I snaked my way through the crowds of people. Stopping only to give a guy with a buzzcut the finger as I felt a stinging sensation on my a$$. 

“Adam,” I tapped him on the back, my gaze steady.

“Oh hey- woah, Agresti! Watcha doing here?” Adam’s eyes widened, panic registering in his features as he took in sight of me, “I mean, I thought you weren’t a party animal kind of person.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” I pursed my lips, raising my eyebrows at the brunette, challenging her as she looked at me with distaste, “where’s West?” I cut to the chase.

“Oh, West. Uh…” Adam trailed off, his eyes darting from right to left, as if finding an exit, “I don’t know,” his adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he gulped. 

“See? He doesn’t know, now leave us alone redhead,” the brunette crinkled her nose, shooting daggers at me.

“Adam, the last thing I want to do is threaten you, but…” I paused for dramatic effect before launching towards him so we were face to face. I ignored the squeal of surprise the brunette let out, “if you don’t tell me the truth, I will kick you in the balls so hard that the pain will eventually evolve into a monthly, and inevitable man-period,” I sneered, my tone menacing. 

“Sorry, bros before hoes,” he squeaked and for a moment, I actually admired his loyalty. Too bad his eyes gave him away. 

I let him go as I saw his gaze flicker upwards.

“Well, um…” I backed away slowly, gesturing for the brunette to go on with her seducing, “see ya!”

With that, I shoved my way through the crowds of people before bolting up the stairs. I rolled my eyes at the angry grunts and deathly glares I received. Contrary to when I was on the first and second floor, the thumping of my footsteps were actually audible on the third floor.

I guess all the ‘Spin the Bottle’ and ‘Seven Minutes in Heaven’ action happens downstairs…

The place was practically deserted, save for the awkward couple conversing in the corner. Judging by their expressions, they were having a serious talk.

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