"Try it on," Hannah told her, almost bouncing up and down with excitement.

Obeying, Akira slipped it on. It fit snugly, and, once on, it even seemed to tighten slightly. There was nothing to fasten it with and there was no need. It fit too well to fall off her head.

Putting down the visor Akira was surprised to find that she could actually see through it as clearly as if it wasn't there. Confused, she pulled off the helmet again and carefully examined the outside. She couldn't see through the visor at all.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" Hannah laughed at Akira's fascination. "It's extra enforced so that it can withstand the blow of a dragon's tail without cracking. As long as you remember to wear it, your head will be well protected." As though to prove her point, she reached out a finger and warped on the helmet.

From what would I need to protect my head? Akira wondered.

Her thoughts were left unanswered as Hannah began to speak again. "The visor also ensures that you can fly with your eyes open. No wind." Her head bobbed up and down, as though she was agreeing with herself.

Akira wanted to comment that she enjoyed the wind in her face. Instead, she decided to keep quiet. She didn't want to burst Hannah's bubble.

"That's also made of soft metal," Hannah explained. She pointed to Akira's clothes.

Akira stared at Hannah in disbelief, wondering if she was being teased. Soft clothes such as these made of metal? Isn't that just ridiculous? she thought. There's no way!

Yet, Hannah's face was as serious as could be.

"The metal reacts in its own way. It hardens when hit or something bashes into you, protecting you from almost any blow. The tip of a sword, however, can pass through it if it has enough force behind it, so be careful. Other than that, you're pretty well protected...for the most part. Don't ask me how the suit works; I'm just the tailor here. I use what I'm given to work with. All I know is that it has some reaper metal in it...."

Akira opened her mouth to interrupt, to say that she had no idea what reaper metal was, yet Hannah gave her no chance as she went on. "They somehow mixed it with something else to soften it. I don't really want to know how. Anyway, you need to know that the suit can weaken and become useless if you don't bring it for a check up to be mended once in a while. About once every full moon will do." She seemed oblivious to Akira's confusion. "The boots are just boots, very useful for keeping weapons in, but that's not my department. Oh, and lastly your gloves, they help with your grip on the sword, and even if they get wet, they maintain their grip and don't get slippery. Also they are quite useful for holding on to your saddle–"

"I don't have a saddle," Akira cut her off.

Hannah smiled, "No dear, you didn't have one. You do now, I'll fit it onto...what's your dragon's name?"

"Redemption," Akira helped her out.

"Ah, yes, Redemption," Hannah said. "I'll fit it onto Redemption when he comes by later."

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Yes, you can come in now, dear!" Hannah called before she turned back to Akira. "You look lovely, dear. The clothes suit you." She sounded sincere.

"Thank you," Akira murmured shyly. Her fingers played with the helmet in her hands as Seth walked into the room. He froze as he saw her, staring as if seeing her for the first time. It made Akira wish she could see what she looked like.

"Are you all done here?" Seth asked as he quickly averted his eyes.

Akira looked at Hannah who nodded, a smile on her face. "Don't you go getting my nice piece of work ruined in any way. I expect you to take good care of it," she told Akira who nodded vigorously in return. "Good. Now, before you go, I'll take that helmet back and put it where the rest your gear is to be kept." She reached out and Akira reluctantly handed her the helmet.

Hannah took it, cradling it as if it were a small child.

"Thank you," Akira said softly.

"Oh you're welcome, dear. It's an honor actually. Anytime you need something just come to old Hannah and I'll help you out." Her eyes twinkled. "Just don't forget to bring your clothes for a checkup now and then. In the meantime, I'll be working on another." She nodded and turned, walking to the back of the room.

"That's our signal to go," Seth said softly.

Nodding, Akira turned and followed him out of the door. She felt very different, and yet extremely comfortable in her new outfit.

Seth lead the way back to the lift. This time there was none waiting for them, just a simple door made of metal bars. Through them, Akira could see a big hole that plunged down into darkness. She watched curiously as Seth pulled the cord that hung just outside the hole. It took a few moments before a cage suddenly whooshed up from below. It came to a stop with a clank, making Akira jump.

There was silence as Seth opened the door and walked in. Akira quickly followed. Once she was in, Seth reached out and pulled the cord.

As the cage began to plummet downwards Akira's stomach feel queasy. She was beginning to feel dizzy when the cage suddenly came to a halt, almost knocking her off her feet.

"You get used to it." Seth grinned, seeming to see Akira's pale face. He opened the door and got out.

With a spinning head, Akira stumbled after him. Once out of the lift, she automatically turned towards the next one. A hand shot out and grabbed her own, spinning her around. Akira stood, frozen. She stared down at Seth's hand that held her own.

The boy didn't seem to notice. "This way," he said pointing to a door to the right. He let go of her hand and walked towards it.

Akira paused. She looked lifted her hand before her face, peering at it.

"Coming?" Seth's voice snapped her from her daze and she hurried after him.

Upon passing through the door she found that it led into a narrow corridor, down which Seth walked. He ignored doors to his right and left and kept going until he stopped at a particular large one. Catching up, Akira saw that it was a thick door made of wood. From behind it, she could hear the hum of many voices.

Seth turned to Akira, a grin on his face. "You ready?"

Akira's forehead wrinkled. "For what?" she asked.

Seth's grin only widened as he took in the confused look on her face. "It's lunch time," he told her as he turned the handle on the door. "And time to meet some other riders of the Academy," he added mysteriously.

More people? Akira's heart sped up. She was ready to tell Seth that it was okay. I don't like crowds...

It was too late as Seth already pushed the door open. Akira had no choice but to face her doom within.

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