"Esteban get out."I said to him slowly. He looked at me then at Lizzie then at me and then at Lizzie again and shook his head no. I smiled at him and mouthed to him 'u like her?' and he nodded his head yes. By now Lizzie had stopped crying and slowed down to hiccups. I sat beside her and Jahyla sat on the other side of her. Esteban sat in front of her and looked her dead in the eyes.  I then got up and dragged Jahyla with me.

"What was that for?"She asked when we were outside and walking to the guys.

"He so owes me for this."I said to them. Their faces lit up and Jahyla squealed.

"He likes her?"They asked at the same time making me laugh and nod my head.

**Lizzie's POV**

I backed up into the wall and slid down onto the floor crying. By the time Skyler and Jahyla sat beside me and Esteban in front of me I had stopped crying and had the hiccups. Esteban looked me dead in the eye and I looked back at him, in his eyes I saw worry and... love. I was knocked out of my trance by the door getting slammed shut and to see the girls left me here with Esteban. Alone.

I'm gonna kill them, I thought in my head. 

"Why did you do it?"He asked me.

"It helped me with my problems."I said back.

"Why are you afraid of Michael?"

"My dad's apart of his gang, and they abuse me and rape me. Just like they did to Skyler."

"Do you know Skyler's father?"

"No, they just made me watch videos of them torturing girls saying that's what they are gonna do to me. Every girl has to watch it, but Skyler was one of the one's that had the most videos she  didn't watch other girls get tortured. She's free, I'm not."

"How can I get you free?"

"Kill my dad or Michael."

"Can I take you away from them?"

"Yea but they will send men out searching for me, not police. Why do you want me free?"I asked him confused.

"I don't know but I have a feeling deep inside of me I do know."He said looking at my arms.

"How do I know you won't play me like the others did?"I asked him with tears brimming my eyes.

"My little sister was like you. She got raped and abused by my dad. SHe ended up killing herself."He said to me his voice wavering a bit. He ran his fingers over my cuts making me flinch a couple times. I then heard the bell ring signaling the end of lunch. 

"I gotta go to my class. Bye."I said getting up and getting my sweatshirt on and my backpack. I ran out the classroom and to my next class. Luckily I didn't have any more classes with them so I won't have to confront them just yet.

**Last class, Lizzie's POV** 

I was walking home as usual. Skyler found me at my locker asking if I was ok and if i wanted a ride home, which obviously I said no to. As I got home I put my hood on cause I live in the dangerous part of town, beer bottles all over the places,cigars here and there. I took out my keys and opened my door quietly. I looked inside and saw my dad passed out on the couch with bottles of beer and Vodka around him. I went to my room and changed to go clean up the mess my dad did. It was very rare he was ever sober so when he was drunk he would always say wear a tshirt and shorts so I could see your scars and cuts. It makes me proud of what I did.

I got a plastic bag and picked up all the bottles and pieces of rubble that were scattered all over the place. When I was done I went to my room and did my homework. When I was almost done with my assignment my father decided to wake up.

"LIZZIE GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR ROOM AND GET YOUR ASS TO THE BASEMENT!!"My dad screamed at me. I got up and went to the basement where my torture would soon begin. I went in the basement to see Michael and his gang there. Michael put a disc in the dvd player and made me sit on his lap. On the screen was Skyler chained to a pole.

"I though she was free."I said to more myself than anybody but Michael heard me and he slapped me making me loose my balance on his lap and fall to the floor.

"Dumb bitch. She isn't free, she's in danger."Michael said."And so are you."

"What do you mean?"I asked him.

"You are friends with Skyler, you were safe but now in danger. You remember her father, yea I killed him. He never wanted to hurt her but she was a beauty and i had to have her."Michael said."I drugged him whenever he drank around me making it look he passed out drunk. So go get to the bar, you have customers."I got up off the floor and made my way to the small bar we have in here. I served everybody there drinks and everybody ended up passed out drunk. I walked upstairs but got stopped by Michael. He slapped me making me wince in pain while my head flew left. 

"You dumbass bitch. I bet Esteban won't love you after what I'm about to do to you."Michael said making my eyes widen in fear. I turned around and try to run to my room but he grabbed my hair making me scream in pain but nobody heard me. He then punched me making me fall  and kicked me in my ribs.

"Next time you'll think twice before running away from me."He said and pulled me to my room by my hair where he kept tortured me and then left. I ran to the bathroom and found my special piece of glass and cut my arm differently this time. On my arm I wrote 'HELP'. I cleaned it up and bandaged my arm up.I went back to my room crying myself to sleep hoping Esteban will still like me after what just happened.

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