Bad Wolf's Reawakening

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(Rose's POV)

There was an alien invasion, the fight seemed to last forever, and I had lost so many people that I am to blame for, I spent too much time away working on the dimension cannon no that I missed the other signs it was never just the darkness that was coming we should have known. The doctor, my Theta, my beautiful and fantastic human time lord, was killed in the parallel universe we lived in he was slain so fast that I didn't even know what had happened right in front of me. I ran to him as quickly as I could and held him in my arms, as he took his final breath. All of Bad Wolf's memories came flooding back to me as though a dam had opened, I became the "Big Bad Wolf," the defender of the universe, destroyer of Dalek fleets, a being of time itself. As the memories engulfed me my head felt like it was on fire, burning bright, and hot as if it were wild flame scorching everything in its path I could feel it travel through my body igniting every cell within me, drowning all my organs and bones in flame.

I held him in my arms, pleading with the stars to not take him away from me asking why, why should he fall so soon after I just got him back? Hasn't he earned to live? Hasn't he done enough for the universe? When the burning got unbearable and I could no longer hold back my grief I let out a scream, a scream of pain, of sadness, of bitterness, and proceeded to release a golden light, beautiful, bright which burst out of me so viciously that it turned all the aliens to dust similar to how they turned to dust so long ago only so much more ruthless and violent.

Ever since then, I have been traveling through time and space, watching the Doctor and his companions from afar trying to make contact with him yet it seemed like the closer I was to him the farther we were to each other. Whenever I wasn't able to watch the Doctor, I would watch Jack and his Torchwood team. Or drop by and see what other companions I knew were doing. During that time, I was sending subtle messages to all of creation, hoping that the Doctor and Jack would notice, hoping that I would no longer be alone watching, waiting for the moment when he would see me.

(the Doctor's POV)

While running to save Martha on New Earth in New New York, actually it's the fifteenth New York since the original. So that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. Stop. Focus on running, focus on finding Martha this is no time to get lost in my mind. Yet as I thought that I felt like someone was watching me, it felt like whoever it was, was smiling or laughing at me or the situation I'd gotten myself into for the briefest moment I could hear a woman's laughter and voice telling me to focus on the task. If I weren't already occupied with looking for Martha, I would have smiled at myself too for letting my thoughts run wild.

(Time skip)

As Martha and I were walking back to the TARDIS, I no longer felt the presence of someone watching me. However, it was almost like they left in a hurry or were ripped away the presence suddenly disappeared leaving nothing behind. As I was lost in thought trying to figure out what the presence was or why it could possibly be watching me Martha yelled "Doctor!" which brought me out of my thoughts. Though as hard as I tried to push the instance behind me I couldn't help but observe my surroundings for the rest of the day trying to catch a glimpse of, or, hear this mystery voice again.

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