The Lonliness

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Hey peeps if you did read the introduction before this chapter then you would get the story that I'm going to write.. ❤️❤️❤️


I woke up in an unusual place, the floor was muddy, cold and not to mention wet. There was no color, everything was grey, black or white. No color. No sound. No warmth. No comfort. No happiness. It was a cold and abandoned amusement park with no soul to be seen. Just me. Only me.


I've been walking for around 10 minutes now, and all I've seen is grey, black and white still no colors. Still no sound. Still no soul to be found. It was getting dark out and the abandoned building were starting to creep me out.
As I started walking towards the nearest truck in sight, thinking about how I got here? Why I was here? Did I have any family or friends? Why couldn't I remember anything? I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a thump... I turned around seeing a young man tripping over the steps of the abandoned ticket booth, I presume. With no hesitation, I ran over to help him up, he looked at me in surprise saying only one thing I knew, my name. "Emily? Is that you?" He muttered, "Excuse me, do I know you?" I replied with another question not answering his question, "Ah, yeah we go to the same school and you attend my biology class...?"  He answered my question truthfully. "Oh.. I'm afraid I dont know your name, sir" I asked him but it sounded more like statement. He smiled at my sudden response and said "hey, look no need to call me sir and yeah my name is Fredrick... Call me Fred for short,"  

We walked to the direction west of the amusement park where the parking lot was located, as we were headed there we talked about how we thought we ended up here and how he could remember pieces of memory from the past and at the end we still couldn't  figure out how we ended up here and why.

We arrived at the border of the parking lot when Fred pointed to a truck on the far corner of the parking lot, but it wasn't any ordinary truck, it was the only vehicle that had the front beam lighted...

Did I mention the truck was freaking yellow, I mean yellow that's the first color I saw. I almost believed I was color blind, and I also have to add the the sudden color seen, it was the only thing or object that had energy. All the surroundings were cut off of the electricity.

We both looked at each other with an unidentified emotion plastered on our faces; confused, shocked etc.
He started walking towards the lighted truck, while I shuffled behind him. As we got closer I could visualize a man, he was probably passed out as he was still alive, I guess. I walked around the truck no longer shuffling, I reached the the passenger side of the truck, there was a little girl. Her age maybe around 5 or 6, she had blood over her for head. I reached my hand over to try and get a pulse but I couldn't. I looked over to Fred who was doing the same to the other passenger, he looked at me. I shook my head signaling that this girl was gone.
He looked sad "this ones alive.."  He simply said. After a moment of hesitation I asked "Now what?" He didn't answer, so I asked again "Fred, now what do we do?" "SHUT UP!" He shouted.

I lowered my head and stayed quiet, he stood still for a few seconds, "Do you here that?" He said looking at me like nothing happened, I replied "No" and with that he just turned around and opened the doors of the trunk seeing something that made him smile. "Yeah your right, it was a mistake. I didn't hear anything either" I walked towards the open trunk and jumped in and saw something that made me smile as well...


The first thing Fred did was attack the food. "Hey big boy don't eat so much you might shape shift into a pig!" I joked around. I looked through the supplies seeing lots of survival equipment and other daily used objects such as towel, pillows, water bottles, blankets, clothing, books, tents, sleeping bags... and so on. But what I spotted not far away from me was a cell phone, I opened it to call 911 but I received a dreadful sign... No signal, well that's no surprise so I just decided to try again tomorrow.

"Hey Fred, look what I found?" I stated holding up a sleeping bag, he smiled with a full mouth stuffed with biscuits, which made me chuckle. I grabbed a white and black striped tent and started building it up, "Hey Emily, think fast" Fredrick shouted and with that I saw a flying apple coming at me which I successfully caught and took a bite out of.

Once I finished building my tent I jogged back to the opened trunk and grabbed a black sleeping bag. I walked towards the already built up tent, I went inside unfolding the sleeping bag.

Lying there, my stomache growled making me blush even though no one was there. I headed back to the truck to find Fredrick chewing on a piece of beef jerky, I smiled grabbing a banana and headed back. Fredrick grabbing a white sleeping bag and following me.

I turned around "what do you think your doing" I stated bluntly "ahhh... Going to sleep," he said in a 'duh' tone "without a tent?" I shot back "there is already a tent ready for me?" He replied making it sound more like a question. "Um... Your not sleeping with me in the same tent.. Maybe next time" I said leaving no room for argument.

Hey guy,
So this was my first chapter...
If you guys didn't like it you dont have to continue readying, I'm trying my best to give you guys a good thrilling story so yeah...
Cya next time


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