Horcuxes and Sneak In

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"It might work." Hermione said. Harry handed the sword to Ron.

"On the count of 3, I'll open the watch, and you'll strike it. Okay. Now one... two...three!" Harry exclaimed 'Open' in parceltongue, and a gush of black smoke erupted from the watch, and blew Ron back. Ron scambled away from the smoke, as it showed him visions only he could see. It showed his mother and father saying that he was a disappointment, Harry calling him a sidekick, Hermione leaving him. In the midst of the visions, Ron faintly heard Harry's voice.

'Its not real, its just an illusion!' The voice was saying. Ron then dragged himself up, and swung the sword down on the watch, and watched the smoke dissipate. Ron fell down on his knees, and used the sword as support.

"Are you alright!?" Hermione asked urgently. Ron stood up shakily.

"Yeah, I just saw a couple of my worse nightmares." Ron explained. He handed the sword back Harry, and slumped down in a nearby chair. Harry lifted the sword up, and inspected it with a sad smile. Only he knew what he was thinking, and he was glad for that. If the others knew what he was contemplating in his head, they'd cry. Harry handed the sword to Neville.

"Can you put it back in the hat?" Harry asked. Neville nodded, and slid the sword back into the hat, and set the hat back on the table.

"2 horcuxes down, 4 to go." Harry sighed, slumping into a chair.

"Now we have to find out where the cup and tiara is hidden, then we'll be golden." Draco responded.

"Voldemort would have hidden them in places that are well guarded, yet in an area that shares a memory with him. He is very sentimental, and would hide it in special places." Harry said. Hermione thought for a moment.

"There was a myth that each founder made a room for their houses. It was in a small book at Hogwarts that had myths and legends. One of them talked about secret rooms, that only a person worthy of their house, could see it. A couple years ago, a Ravenclaw girl claimed that a mysterious room appeared one night in their common room, and inside was an enormous library. She said it had every book ever created; both magical and non. A couple decades ago, a Grifindor girl said she was fussing over her next Quiditch game, and a magical door appeared in her dorm, and she said that inside were every kind of exercise machine she could think of. The book didn't talk about a secret room from the house of Slytherin, but someone recorded in the first century of Hogwarts, that he was on the 7th floor, and he really needed the loo, and it just appeared. We call that the Room of Requirement. Maybe the cup or tiara is hidden in the Room of Requirement." Hermione said excitedly.

"That's brilliant, Hermione!" Harry jumped up, and hugged Hermione, laughing.

"Most likely the cup and tiara is hidden in the Room of Requirement." Ron exclaimed happily.

"It seems too easy, though." Harry said. "Voldemort wouldn't hide two of the horcruxes in the same place. He isn't that stupid. Most likely, he hid one of the two somewhere else." Harry said. "Hermione, do you have a picture or drawing of the relics?" Harry asked.

"I think there is one picture in the book. Let me go get it." Hermione replied, before bounding to the library. She ran back out with a dusty book. She place the book on the table, and flipped to the correct page. When she found it, she turned it to Harry.

When Harry looked at it, he felt that it looked familiar. Then he gasped at realization.

"How could I have been so stupid!" Harry exclaimed. Everyone looked at him. "I found that in the Room of Requirement in second year! I picked it up, and used it as a bloody marker so I wouldn't get lost in the fucking room!" Harry pointed at the tiara, yelling, frustrated at himself. Draco rubbed his back.

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