Chapter 1

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“So how’d it go last night?” My boss and best friend Ant questioned whilst leaning against my desk.

“Same old same old. I drank, talked, impressed the colleagues, acted like the perfect gentleman and escorted her home at the end.”

“Didn’t get up to anything extra did you?” This question is asked the morning after every job and my reply is always the same.

“What and risk being fired not likely.” Ant sighs, he wouldn’t really fire me over that as long as I wasn’t making some extra money of off the girls, he gives me one of his paternal looks.

“You’re going to have to leave this game and settle down one day you know, just hopefully not soon because you are my top money maker.” He laughs at his own joke “Group meeting in ten okay?” He concludes before getting up, straightening his jacket and waving goodbye to retreat the safety of his own office. Settle down, not likely and even if I did I wouldn’t have to leave.

Ant’s is a small business of twenty males who all do what I do, our office is in a modern, high tech building that is light and spacious. Most people assume that we that sit on our sofas until we get the call to go to work but that is far from the truth, most of the time we are on nine to five days like most other people, constantly doing research and learning the facts on our jobs, whether that consists of arranging the perfect date for a client who just for one night wants to feel special or doing a background check on the business the client works for so we seem interested and up to speed if someone was to ask us a question. It’s all about the preparation.

The process of hiring us is simple really, unlike most companies you won’t find us in a magazine and most of our business is repeat stuff, but we do have a website if you are lucky enough to come across it and any new clients will come from there… you may be surprised to hear that in this business relying on word of mouth will get you nowhere, who wants to own up to using an escort agency? Generally we will receive a phone call or an email requesting our services and then we will email back a questionnaire for the lady to fill in so we can match her with the most suitable guy and also find out about key factors that make her who she is, we never turn away a lady who wants our services.

The office is never full and desks are always empty, but that’s a given considering these dates can happen at any time during the day, any day of the week. Sometimes it means we don’t get a day off. But the money is good and the chance to mix with the elite of the country, from the rich people behind the scenes to the celebrities of this world, makes it all worthwhile. That and at the end of every month the twenty guys and Ant get together for a lads night, which is much needed after four weeks of nothing but women. There is something about sitting around a poker table, watching a football match or going out for a drink with the guys that can totally relax you and allow you to unwind. It’s all paid for by Ant and the banter is constant, we have some real bromances going on in here.

“Danny-boy! How’s it going? Long-time no see.”

“Hey Will. You’re looking… well mate your looking burnt.” I say scanning his lobster red face.

“Been away mate, one of the girls needed an escort whilst on holiday for the office Christmas party, you know me I burn like match.” It’s a true story, his ginger hair and fair skin make him extremely vulnerable to high temperatures so why he insisted on going on this job is beyond me.

“Good time though?”

“Really nice actually, the bosses went all out for their ‘dedicated’ workers and I nearly got in a fight.” Same old Will.

“A fight, how did you manage that?” I ask, I’m only really half paying attention as I switch on my computer to check my emails.

“Apparently one of the girls colleagues has held a torch for her for some time, didn’t like how close we were. She fake broke up with me for him, I do like a happy ending.” He mocked in a sickly sweet tone. I was halfway through reading my second client bio when my phone begins to vibrate, no it isn’t a phone call or text message but an alarm to indicate the staff meeting is about to start.

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