Ch. 6 "The Power of Healing"

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The Sun. A star millions and millions of miles away, yet strong enough, powerful enough, to provide heat to the creatures of the Earth. Like nothing grows without water, nothing flourishes without the heat of the sun.

Lei was sitting in the niche by her window, her back pressed against the warm glass of the outside. She felt empowered by the heat of the sun. Despite being a waterbender, she sought comfort in the fire of the Great Star. The likelihood that it was because her grandmother was a firebender, she didn't know. But she definitely needed a recharge after the training Charles made her go through. The guy could be a real pain in the ass when he wanted to be. 

As Lei was thinking this, she heard a large thumping down the hallway and a restrained groan. She snapped her book shut and sat up straighter, straining to figure out what the noise was. "Ow, ow, ow, ow," a familiar voice repeated quickly.

"Hank?" she asked, unfolding her legs and walking to her open door. Poking her head out, she noticed Hank leaning on the wall across from her and a little to the right of her door. The shoulder of his shirt was singed and he was cradling the arm it was connected to. "Hank!" She shouted, running up towards the tall mutant. His 6'3 almost towered over her short 5'4.

Lei held her hands out to touch him, but he shied away from her, his blue eyes burning with pain.  "What happened?" She asked, pulling her hands slowly back down to her sides.

"An accident... downstairs in the bunker... with Alex's mutation." He said, taking a sharp intake of breath and craning his head to look at the burn. He reached his fingers up to touch his hurt shoulder, but Lei pulled his hand away.

"Don't touch it!" She chastised.

Hank looked up at her sharply. "Well, what am I supposed to do?" He asked.

Lei rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Hank. You have a PhD. You have a waterbender at your disposal." The young woman placed a hand on Hank's back and lead him towards her room, ignoring the odd look he was giving her.

She sat the tall, young man down on her bed before walking back out. Hank watched her leave before his eyes took in the details of her room. They'd only been at the Xavier mansion for about a week, yet Lei had been able to turn it into a home. Little trinkets hung around her room, all water based. There was a small fish tank on her dresser, a few dolphin statues here and there, and the white curtains had been replaced with blue, although they seemed to always be pushed back to let the light in.

"Alright Hank," Lei said, walking quickly back in. Hank's eyes dropped to his lap and he twiddled his thumbs nervously. Lei tucked her legs under her and sat down next to Hank on the bed.

She slowly pulled away the burned material to look at the wound. The flesh was jagged and red, burned and beginning to bleed. Lei sighed and began unbuttoning the buttons on Hank's shirt.

"What're you doing?" He asked quickly, grabbing her hand to prevent her slender fingers from going any further.

Lei shook her head and placed her hands in her lap. "I can't access the wound on your shoulder with your shirt on. So stop being a baby." Her voice was stern and she pulled her eyebrows forward to glare at him.

Hank froze, surprised to see the young woman suddenly so stern. "Alright," he conceded. Nodding, Lei set to work.

"Every waterbender, if practiced, has the ability to heal injuries. To do so, they must redirect energy paths, or chi, throughout the body, using water as a catalyst. Waterbenders can use their abilities to heal by surrounding a sick or injured person with water," she explained. Hank shook his head internally. Lei was always teaching them something.

Her work was precise and, despite a handsome man around her age sitting shirtless before her, she remained professional. The water drifted slowly out of the pitcher Lei placed on the side table and into her tanned hands. The water swirled in her palm, quickening and spinning until it began to emit a light glow.

Hank watched in amazement before gritting his teeth as the young woman put the water onto his shoulder. He hissed and jerked away from her. "Sorry," she mumbled, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Slowly, the pain faded away and the heat from his shoulder turned into a cool, comforting sensation. Hank sighed and leaned into Lei's touch.

"Well, all done," Lei said, bending the healing water back into its container.

Hank's eyes fluttered open.

"How does it feel?" She asked.

Hank rolled his shoulder before looking back at her. "It's good. Thank you," he said politely.

"No problem, Hank," she said, leading him back out of the door. "Just stay away from too much havoc. Okay?" She asked, winking at him.

Hank stuttered before bowing his head and nodding.

Lei watched him walk back down the hallway before closing the door.

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