Chapter 9: Size Doesn't Matter

Start from the beginning

After a while of walking, he goes into a cave and I wait a moment or two before I follow. As I walk down the slope, it gets darker and I trip over a root and fall into the pink light the hugh crystal was making. I shrink so much that I am the size of a speck. "Dipper!" I scream as loud as I can but he doesn't hear me. 'Great' He starts to walk around looking at the crystal. I jump on his shoe, as it nears me, and climb up his leg. (Don't worry you are on the outside part of his leg and are not touching his skin. I don't go that far into crap so get your dang heads out of the gutters.) "Dipper I am on your shoulder, but I shrunk." I tell him in his ear.

"(Y/n)?" Dipper asks as he turns around so fast that I just about fall off of him.

"Will you stop moving so fast! I am gonna fall off." I tell him.

"How did you shrink?" He asks letting me jump on his hand.

"How else, with the stupid crystal that you were going to use to make yourself taller." I say a little bit annoyed.

"You heard all of that?" He asks.

"Yes, I heard all of it. I went after you so I could apologize." I tell him.

"I'm sorry that you heard me call you dumb. I was just upset." He explains.

"I'm not mad Dipper." I tell him.

"Come on let's get you back to your normal adorable height." Dipper says. I blush at the comment. We walk back to the shack after Dipper grabbed piece of the crystal. "Ok here we go (Y/n). Now I can make you normal size." Dipper says. He attaches it to a flashlight and made me my normal height.

"Thanks Dipper." I say and peck him on the cheek.

"No problem." Dipper replies, blushing. I walk downstairs, that Dipper is following me.

Mabel's P.O.V

"I've been buying big clothes. I'll grow into them." I tell Soos as (Y/n) walks down the stairs. "And where have you and my brother been?"

"Oh un n-nowhere." She replies.

"We uh went for a walk in town." Dipper answers coming up from behind her. (Y/n) and I both look at him, then look at each other. We both have the same expression, shock.

"Holy hot sauce! You've grown an extra millimeter." Soos exclaims breaking the silence.

"Wh-wh-what?" I stutter. I jump off of the chair and check height with my twin.

"what can I say, sis? Growth spurt." Dipper answers nonchalantly.

"Yeah, mine happen first. I'm gonna be taller in the long run. It's science Dipper." I retaliate.

"I don't think it happens like that, Mabel." (Y/n) informs.

"What? But we're the same height now." Dipper protests.

"Alpha-twin, Beta-sibling, Alpha-twin, Beta-sibling." I chant.

"Oh yeah? Something tells me I've got another growth spurt comin' on right now." Dipper says walking backwards up the stairs. I look over at (Y/n), who shrugs. We both run up the stairs. He makes it to the room before I could make it up half the staircase and slams the door in my face. Once I reach the door, I kick open the door.

"Give it up, Dipper!" I gasp. 'How did he get so tall so quickly.' "What happen?"

"Y'know, puberty and stuff." He answers.

"It doesn't make any sense. Just a minute ago you were- WAIT A MINUTE! This is some kinda magicky thing, isn't it? Was it a wizard or something? There's a wizard in this closet, isn't there? ISN'T THERE?" I conclude.

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