Chapter 2

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His Mom is sick... No... His kid.

He probably has two kids. Maybe the other kid cuts and shit.

Assumptions about the man on the food court. The cashier at Panda Express who's chubby, with blue eyes, and the bitch-don't-ask-me-about-my-day-or-I-will-cut-you face.


"Excuse me? ... Oh yes sorry...uh.." I fumble with my wallet until I pull out a twenty and a five.

He inserts the cash into the register and hands me my receipt and change.

"Thanks, have a nice day."

Wierd, I know. But it was a thing I did. I would make a story up for someone by just looking at them. It was fun and a time waster and God knows I need one.

I sit down alone at an unoccupied table and pull out my phone.

All of sudden, someone pulls out the chair in front of me.

"So, you thought it would be fun to ditch me Kendall?"

I chuckle lightly. Angelina, one of my best friends, sits down across from me.

"I technichally didn't ditch you because you knew I was going to leave."

She rolls her eyes at me as she eats from my tray. "Still," she huffs at me.

"My dad wants me home in thirty minutes," I murmur.

"Nooooooo," she pouts. "The guys should be here any minute. Just stay for twenty more minutes, please. I swear if the boys aren't here, we can leave."


"I am not taking no for an answer. C'mon, K it'll be so much fun," she whines.

"Fine," I reluctantly respond.

"Yes, oh my God, I literally love you so much!"

"Can you keep it down! People are looking over here."

"WOO! " She yells louder this time. "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND. YAS!"

I laugh dryly.

After I finish my food, then throw the empty container away.

"Kendall, they're here," she practically squeals.

I sigh and run a hand through my already tangled hair.

We walk to the mall parking lot to greet a grey car with tinted windows.

The car door opens.

"C'mon, man, are you sure?"

"Yah, just close the door."

We hear one very surfer-dude kind of voice talk, then a heavy, raspy, British accent answer. The British accent sounded hoarse and raw, like the person had been crying all day.

Angelina walks up to the car.

"Hey boys..."

She starts talking to them and obviously they are infatuated with her... or her body.

The one from the front seat gets out of the car. He has curly brown hair and is wearing a white tee-shirt (the one where the fingers were printed on it y'all kno that one god bless that day) with way-too-skinny black jeans and rings on his fingers. He looks about 20 years old and is sort of tall.

My favorite thing about him and what I will always remember from that day, was his eyes when he looked right at me. They were sea-green and so deep, despite the redness and puffiness.

I immediate look away and bite my lip, in attempt to hide my smile.

It's very clear he is staring at me for a good 20 minutes, until I finally walk up to the car next to Angelina.

He gets back into car.

"Hey Angelina, how about we go to the bar down the street," says the surfer-dude one.

"Now?" She blushes, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm sure your friend won't mind." He looks right at me.

I felt rejected. The story of my life.

"Oh, um, no... yah. Go ahead, have fun, use protection." I murmur nervously smiling.

She looks at me thankfully and then walks into the car.

"Harry, can you take us to the Kalahoe's Bar?"

I hear a heavy sigh, the ignition, and they're off.

I'm left alone in a mall parking lot. Well, that's Angelina for you.

I get into my car and sit down, hitting my head against the steering wheel before collapsing in a heap of embarrassment.

I plug my phone into the aux and let the music play.

Half a Heart-One Direction
Car Radio-TØP
Somebody Else-The 1975
The Sound-The 1975
Gotta Get Out-5sos

I continue driving stopping across a familiar grey car outside of a bar.

I ull into the parking lot of the bar. What am I even doing, they clearly didn't want me here.

I turn up my music and sit there a moment contemplating whether I should do this or not.

I conclude that this was a terrible ass idea and put the car in rear, when I hear a knock at the window.

I roll it down to see the familiar curly-haired boy.

"Hey, um, Kendall is it?"

So, he was the British one.

I nod and he continues, "I'm trying to pull out and your kind of in the way so if you could just..."

"Yes... um, of course. Sorry." I face-palm myself for a second as I fumble with my keys.

"Why are you here anyways?"

I shake my head in embarrassment and mumble "That is none of your business."

He laughs and walks back to his car.

What did I just do?

I pull out of the parking lot and drive home.

Fuck my life.

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