Chapter 1 (Then)

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"I'm okay, I think," I say my knees pulled up to my chest and my face buried in it. I was sitting, my back pressed against the outside of the computer lab.

"Kendall, are you sure? You freaked out a little bit."

"I know, but sometimes that happens to me," I whispered.

Mr. Hegan-Smith stepped back, worry lines forming on his forehead.

"Do you need to call your Mom?"

My mom? Oh no. No please. My breath quickened along with my heartbeat.

"NO!" I screamed in my high-pitched 7 year-old-voice. "NO! NO! NO! NO!"

My body began convulsing and the walls were closing in. Everything turned black.

"Oh Jesus Christ!"

Maybe that's why I'm so screwed up. Maybe it's because the last thing I heard was "Oh Jesus Christ." Like he was annoyed with my anxiety. Like he was over it.

Not "You'll be okay."

Not "Breathe, baby. It's alright."

Maybe that's why I'm so screwed up.

Because I Love You 》H.S.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang