Chapter 14

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The girl with the pretty face was taken away from me. I can't even remember her name. My doctor had a talk with me about all of it, and I managed to tell him that I was trying to hug her, and that she thought that I was harassing her because she'd never had a hug. He told me that it was alright, and that I could go to the food hall again tomorrow, but if there was any tormenting again I would be seen to, and I was quite alright with that. I slept uneasily that night, even though my doctor gave me sleeping pills. All I could do was think. Thinking about impossible things that could never be achieved and comparing them to all the possible things, trying to balance them out easily. I figured that it would be all balanced, but instead, I found that a lot more things are impossible than possible. When I questioned why, the answer was quite shocking. From my outlooks, we are pulling ourselves back from things that we are unsure about, whether it be because we are scared to be judged, or your friends tell you not to do it, it is the same answer. My point is, we don't get to live our lives to the full extent when teachers shape your questions to ones that aren't so ambiguous, when your friends tell you that you can't do something because your dreams are daft and too ambitious. We are limited. Sure, if we didn't have limits we wouldn't survive and we'd probably kill each other, but my point is that teachers and people with authority constrict children's dreams so that when they grow up, they won't be as creative and will work without distraction. What would happen if you let us express ourselves using one single, blank canvas? You can learn a lot from what they create. If they left it blank, it could mean that they are feeling empty, or maybe lonely. If they do a painting with lots of colours and flowing shapes, that could mean they think they are in time with themselves and they feel welcoming, happy to express themselves. If they use sharp, non-blending colours it could mean that they have lots on their mind, or that they feel angry. Art can tell you a lot about a person, so why not give them a blank canvas to figure out how they are feeling from the style they use?

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