"That's why I was invited?" Kellan asked, finally catching on to the master plan.

"That and you're also supposed to keep me from being partnered with Josh so that Bree will have a better shot at him." Devon nodded.

Josh's face had that warrior look, the one he had worn when he realized his mother had played him.

"I've never been so glad to come in second in my life," Kellan said, leaning back thinking. "Why, if your mother and Josh's mother want Bree and Josh to marry, and she admittedly wants him, is she going to marry this Hal guy?"

"I asked her that." Devon said, not sure how to continue without insulting Josh.

Josh pulled into a gas station parking lot cutting the engine of the truck then turning to look at Devon, waiting, suddenly very patient.

"She doesn't want you long-term. You're rich and handsome enough, but you don't do anything important, and Hal does. Hal and his parents can get her into the best parties and make her famous," Devon said it softly, watching Josh closely, his eyes met Kellan's in the mirror and she sensed they needed to talk privately.

"I'll just go use the ladies room. Do either one of you need anything?" Devon asked as she reached for the door handle.

"No," Josh replied, looking at her as if everything was all her fault.

"It's not my fault!" Devon said, jumping out of the truck and slamming the door, and she had the pleasure of watching Josh wince at the sound of metal hitting metal.


"It's not her fault, you know that right?"  Kellan asked, leaning back in his seat watching his friend as he looked away from Devon and out the window in the other direction.

"When did she get so bad?" Josh wondered aloud.

"Who, Devon? Because if you ask me, you deserve everything she just gave you. She loves you and you're playing with her, admit it."

Josh didn't know how to do anything else. It was what they had done when they were younger. They had teased each other, but it had been different then. He had wanted Devon but he hadn't needed her, and lord help him, he needed her now. Coming home to her had been...perfect. Sure, she had been on her butt under a Christmas tree, but he had never wanted her more. It had eased his troubled heart to see her.

Devon's lightness had lifted all of their spirits, which was something they had desperately needed. Now, he couldn't wait to get back from a deployment and find her there to greet him. Josh swallowed hard as he remembered holding her. It had made all the difference, and he wanted that every day, but he didn't know how to move from friend to lover. He had never had a problem with women before, but they had never meant as much as Devon did. He didn't want to screw it up or hurt her more than he already had.

Josh looked in the rearview mirror meeting Kellan's eyes. "No, not Devon. She's always been that bad, Bree."

Kellan smiled at his words. "From what I've heard she's also always been as bad as she is now. You know her type, we've met plenty of them before, she likes the game. It's not about love, it's about the power and the sex. Devon is about the love, and from what I hear she's only ever loved you."

"Where did you hear that?" Josh couldn't help the gruffness in his voice. It was what he wanted to hear more than anything, but he wanted to hear it from Devon herself.


Josh nodded, it made sense.

"What's with the rich thing?" Kellan changed the subject.

"Did I never mention that?" Josh looked at Kellan all innocence.

"Is that why your mother and Bree think you do nothing, because you're rich?" Kellan raised an eyebrow in amusement. 

"Yes, both of them and most people I grew up with think I just bum around the world leading the life of a rich playboy." Josh smiled at the image.

Kellan laughed as Devon opened the door and climbed into the truck. Josh let his gaze linger on her long legs as she reached for the door to close it. She was beautiful.

"Well, you do kind of bum around the world just not as a playboy." Kellan laid his head back and closed his eyes.

"Oops, did I let the cat out of the bag?' Devon innocently asked, settling back into her seat as Josh started the engine.

Josh shook his head as he started the truck. "You're going to have your hands full protecting our virtue Devon. I'd get some rest if I was you."

Kellan chuckled as they rolled out of the parking lot. "Yours more than mine."

For Auld Lang Syne (Navy Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now