"Thank you Virgo, how are all mama's spirits. I'm working hard to be able to open more than one gate but it wont work." I say eating my toast.

"Don't worry Princess Nashi, it will come with time. While your at school shall I prepare the training grounds for you?" She asks me.

"Yes please Virgo." I say standing up and then walking to the door.

"Thanks for everything Virgo. Me and Crystal really appreciate it." I say as me and Crystal walk out the front door.

As we walk down the lane the other kids from my class come running over to me and we all talk as we continue the walk to school, I keep sending letters to dad letting him know how I am and in every letter I get back he asks can he come and see me. And I answer that with 'I cant be the one to tell you that Dad, you need to figure that out for your self.' Its been three weeks since Crystal and I moved back into mama's house. Happy and Carla came as soon as they heard the news, and Carla wasn't happy about it at all. She usually is very nice to me, but when she found out that Crystal was going to live here with me. She wasn't too happy about it.

"Hey Nashi did you manage to finish the Guild symbol quiz that Miss Wolfden gave us?" Collette asks me.

"Yeah I did. I knew of all the guilds because Fairy Tail is in an alliance with a lot of the ones that were chosen." I say as we link arms.

"So.....Could you help me answer them?" She asks me with puppy dog eyes.

I laugh and then pull out the homework.

"Just be quick about it ok?" I say smiling at her.

She hugs me tightly, crushing Crystal in the process and then writes down the answers. The quiz had about ten guild symbols on it and we had to answer them all. The ones that were there were:


Fairy Tail

Mermaid Heel

Blue Pegasus

Crime Sorciere

Phantom Lord

Lamia Scale

Twilight Ogre

Quatro Cerberus

Cait Shelter.

The next part of the work was to figure out which guilds were still active. And as far as I know only Cait Shelter and Phantom Lord are the only non active ones. And you could say that Cait Shelter doesn't even count because it was never a real guild anyway, at least that's what mama told me.

"You done? Because were at school." I say to Colette.

"Yeah thanks Nashi." She says passing me my home work back, I added some more information on the page to try and get extra marks.

"Lets go inside then!" She yells pulling my arm.

We walk inside and I place crystal at her desk, Miss Wolfden had one made for her once we started coming every day. We sit down in our chairs and the lesson begins, we all hand in our homework and before we know it its lunch time. I pull my lunchbox from my bag and eat the food that Virgo has made me, but she always makes too much so I share it with my friends.

"So Nashi how long are you going to be in town? I would hate for you to leave again." Wendi says with her arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know really. I miss the guild and my money is running low, so I might have to go back and do some jobs before I come back. But Gramps could always send me some if I ask him to." I say taking a sip from my bottle.

"Whats it like working at a young age Nashi, I mean most kids are like fifteen when they join guilds right?" Louis asks me. Since I've gotten to know him he's not so bad.

"That's not true, my mama joined when she was seventeen and all her friends joined when they were kids. Dad was six I think when Igneel left him and he then joined Fairy Tail, but the youngest age someone joined was I think four years old, that was Cana Alberona and she is an amazing person and I have to say the heaviest drinker I have ever known!" I say smiling and then everyone laughs.

"How about after school we all go for milkshakes?" Crystal says with a mouth full of fish.

"YEAH!" We all yell and then the lesson bell goes.

We walk to class and again sit down at our desks. As Miss Wolfden is doing the register there is a knock at the door.

"Come in." She says putting her clipboard down.

"Um I'm here to see Nashi Dragneel." A male voice says from the door.

"She is in here sir please come in." Miss Wolfden says sitting down at her desk.

The man walks in and stands there in front of the whole class. With his scaly scarf and pink hair this is a person I know all too well....

"Dad..." I whisper.

"Hey Nashi..." Natsu says looking at me. "Can we talk?"







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