Chapter 2

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We walked up to his door step. Hide pulled some keys out of his pocket to unlocked the door. "Here you go. Make yourself at home." He said edging me to go inside. I smiled and did as I was told. It was a pretty decent house; living room, kitchen, all the standard appliances.

I remember when we would go to each others houses to work on homework. Nothing would ever end up getting done. We were too busy playing video games or watching TV.  My gaze wandered to Hide. He was staring at me. "What's with that weird look on your face?" I said.
"What look?" Hide replied "I was just thinking about when you used to come over to study. Come to think of it, I don't think you've been here in over six months."

(A/N Idk if that was clear but they were thinking of the same thing)

"Is that so?" I turn my attention towards the TV and began looking for a remote. It doesn't surprise me he would think of times like that. I myself was letting my mind wander. If only we could go back to those days and have none of this happen. Suddenly my body froze as a bright light blinded my vision. "Looking for this?" Hide cooed as he lifted up a TV remote. I loosened my muscles and nodded slightly. "Yeah, let's just relax and watch something for now." He agreed and we both sat down on the couch.

Hours passed and we slowly began to fall asleep. I awake with a dull numbness in my left arm, my vision hazy as my eyes open. There's a heavy weight pressing against my left side that I soon realize is Hide's sleeping body. I feel my heart quicken its pace. Ah, he's too close. His scent is burning my nose. My stomach aches with hunger at the lingering aroma.
"Oi Hide, wake up"
Shaking him was of no use, he's always been a heavy sleeper. I gently slid out from under him and laid his head on a throw pillow. I cracked a small grin but, that grin quickly turned into a face of pain. "Ahhh-" my arms quickly found themselves wrapped around my abdomen. Looking around the room, It felt like the walls were closing in. I caught a glimpse of myself in a small mirror. My eyepatch had fallen off. Staring me back in the face was an eye I always hated. An obsidian black hole accommodated with a bright crimson center.

(AN: ok so I actually got around to writing something! I really wanted to post a full chapter but since it's been so long since chapter one I might as well release what I've got~ sorry for the wait and don't worry I haven't forgotten about this story it's just I'm REALLY bad at writing so it takes me forever to come up with something that sounds.... decent.... also writing in first person, I found, is really a challenge!!! It's so hard not to overuse the word "I" so don't be surprised if one day I decide to change the narrative 😅 anyways I hope u guys will stick around for the next chapter~ bye bye now ❤️👋🏻 )

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