Daily routine/Your daily life..

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Starts with Australia, Denmark, Thailand, and Netherland

Australia: Now, this is my routine everyday!

-Wake up!
-Eat cereal!
-Watch tv!
-Stalking who?
-Got beaten by Wy!
-Got scratched by Koala!
-Pass out on the couch!
-Eat burrito!
-Umm... Go to toilet...
-Play games!
-Eat pizza!
-Brush teeth!

Denmark: And now, me!

-Weak up while stepping on legos!
-Eats egg!
-Annoy Norway!
-Got chocked by Norway!
-Annoy Netherland!
-Must pay Neth bcs he annoy him ;-;
-Drink beers!
-Play with his axe!
-Building legos army!
-Eat bread!
-Brush teeth

Thailand: Ahaha~ Ana, ana~ I'm not like their random routine~

-Wake up on elephant back!
-Eat cereal! (WHO DOESN'T LIKE CEREAL?!)
-Feed the elephants!
-Hangout with the asean!
-Writes diary!
-Eat fruits!
-Brush teeth!

Netherland: 😐

-Wake up
-eat waffles
-Counting money
-Counting money
-Hang out with Spain, Romano, and Belgium!
-Counting money!
-Drinks tea!
-Finish counting money!
-Brush teeth!

Thailand: 😐 What kind of routine is that?
Netherland: Just my very daily routine
Australia: You need to be more out-going! Like, advwnture, mate!
Netherland: No use to go adventure
Australia: I cried ;-;
Denmark: How about go to the bar?
Netherland: No, don't want to get drunk
Thailand: Uhhh... Selling tulips?
Netherland: Good idea, bye guys, gonna sell my tulips to get money!

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