Chapter 4

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Here ya go guys, I'm trying to update as much as possible but I'm on vacation, soonest update will be 1-2 weeks from now and after that I will update as much as possible. Hang in there...

Word Count: 1117

"Ho-How are you doing this?" You groaned as the micro its grip became tighter around you. You watched as Callaghan took another step towards you stepping on the kabuki mask, crushing it. You squirmed as he became closer, and closer, until he was finally so close that you could see that his pupils were dilated. He smirked and said, "You know, after my big discovery many years ago I came up with a new idea. Something that may have cost some human lives, but overall would benefit the human race." The microbots started to creep up towards your throat, "And what's that?" you spat. He flashed a devious smile and said, "Human experimentation." Before everything went black...

"Hey Clarke I'm gonna go out tonight." You yelled to your boyfriend. Now that he was back he offered for you to stay at his place. He walked over to you and kissed you on the cheek, "Okay hon, who you going with?" You threw some stuff into your purse and answered, "The whole gang, "Wasabi, Fred, GoGo, Honey... I think Hiro's out of town for some smart children thing but I think Tadashi will be there." You turned around to look at Clarke you was staring at you with a raised eyebrow. You put your hands on your hips and said, "What, we're friends now."

Clarke waisted over to you to hug you while saying, "I know, I know, I just know how much he hurt you last time..." You went up on your tip-toes to kiss his cheek and said, "Don't worry I won't make that mistake again." You walked over to the door and said, "Okay honey have a fun time with Alex!" And walked out the door.

Alex was Clarke's old friend from before he went to Wakanda. You had never met the guy but from what Clarke has said about him he seems really nice. As you walked towards the restaurant you guys were eating at tonight you heard footsteps from behind. Eventually they got louder and louder so you turned down an alleyway...

Tadashi's POV

While walking to meet the group I noticed (y/n) walking a couple feet in front of me. I carefully began to sneak up behind her hoping to scare her. She then suddenly turned down an alleyway. I turned down the alleyway to follow her and was immediately pinned up against the brick wall. The water that pinned me quickly turned into ice. "Umphf" I grunted. I looked down and saw (y/n) come out of the shadows, "Tadashi, oh my god I'm so sorry I thought you were going to jump me." As she spoke the ice turned back into water and traveled down my body. I put my hand on my neck and said, "Well, jump scare you... Sorry 'bout that." She whisked the water away and I looked down at her hands. The chain wasn't there, "So where's your water chain?" She looked down at her hands and pulled her jacket over them. She looked back up and spoke, "Well they're... Uh thrown away..." She then walked around me and continued back on the path to get to the group.

Your POV

You hurried away from Tadashi hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Wait what? Then how'd you control the water?" Tadashi asked as he appeared beside you. You two approached the restaurant doors and you turned to face him before entering, "I will explain later, but could you please not bring it up in the conversation..." Tadashi sighed and said, "Fine but you better tell me the truth." As he opened the door to the restaurant for you.

As you both walked in you heard Wasabi cry out, "Hey! Look who it is!" Honey ran up to you and Tadashi and hugged you both, "OMG you guys do realize it has been like forever since we last saw you two!!" Tadashi laughed and managed to get out of her grasp but before you could walk to the table she grabbed your wrist and whispered, "You, me, GoGo, my apartment, sleepover. No buts." And skipped happily to her seat. You chuckled and started walking towards the table. As you approached you heard Fred say, "Look we left you a spot right next to Dashi." While putting his elbows on the table, folding his hands together, and resting his head like you and Dashi were the cutest thing ever. You sat down beside him and said, "Uh... Thanks, I don't really see how that's a big deal though..." Fred gasped and said, "Not a big deal? Not a big deal?!" Before he began to ramble you heard GoGo murmur, "Oh god not again."

"The epic tale of the two lovers, one scared of the powers he had been burdened with, the other just wanting to help. Until suddenly, one lover runs away hoping not to hurt anyone. The other searches day in and out for their true love but alas, she fails. Failure causes her to travel far far away from her other. But now they are back and completely and hopelessly in love."

During the last sentence he made his hands into the shape of a heart and held it up so you and Tadashi were in it. You slapped your hand to your forehead and Dashi pushed Fred's hands down. Tadashi then confessed, "Uh not exactly..." Fred looked shattered and questioned, "Then what is going on?" You brought your face out of your hands and said, "We're just friends." Fred suddenly looked like he was investigating, "But why are you just friends." GoGo spoke up from across the table, "Cause she's dating someone else dumbass." Wasabi looked surprised, "Well how do you know GoGo."

She sighed and explained, "Clearly she's dating someone else, one; she's wearing a skirt which I have never seen (y/n) wear, ever. Two; if she was dating Dashi she'd probably wouldn't be wearing makeup right now cause she's comfortable about not wearing makeup around him. And three; Hiro has kept me updated over text." You sighed and said, "Okay that is enough about me can we please change the subject." Tadashi had been looking down at his lap the whole time fiddling around with the napkin in his lap. The gang nodded silently agreeing that enough was enough. The table fell into and awkward silence till Wasabi attempted to break the ice.

"So... Nice weather we've been having..."

Tadashi x Reader: TO HEALDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora