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a/n: picture of cyan! & this chapter might be a little boring rn but it's only a filler chapter.

                                                                                c h a p t e r o n e

"I will not be any man's half-time, down-time, spare-time, or sometimes. So don't waste my time."

"Bitch I know you're in there! Open this fucking door before I break this shit down." Cyan rolled her eyes as she heard the none stop beating coming from her front door. She was all the way upstairs and could still hear the loud banging noise.

The worst part about getting good dick is that it most definitely comes with a price to pay. Cyan was used to getting woken up from out of her sleep to deal with someone's baby mama, girlfriend, fiancee, or wife at her doorstep. Most females didn't understand that Cyan Jones wasn't any average bitch! These girls had the nerve to be coming on her property every other day as if they couldn't get their face stomped in.

Cyan slowly slid out of her new Vera Bradley comforter set and slipped into her long fuzzy robe that was thrown onto her freshly polished marble wood floor. It was a task getting out of the bed due to the tight grip that Brandon had on her. He was sound asleep laid out in her bed as if she hadn't kicked his ass out last night. He always found a way back inside her house and she honestly wasn't complaining. Although Brandon was a married man and three kids to tend to at home, Cyan couldn't stay away from his ass.

She took her sweet time walking down the steps and when she finally did get to the front door, the banging had stopped. Cyan slowly opened up the door to see Brandon's wife clenching onto a long stick with tears streaming down her face. His wife couldn't have been more than 5'0 which couldn't compare to Cyan's 5'8 figure.

The outside of Cyan's front door was now scratched up and she was now in need of a new door due to the minor dents and scratches on it. Cyan paused thinking whether or not she was going to put her hands on Brandon's wife. She'd already had multiple assault charges from this year and she couldn't risk going to jail.

"Where is Brandon?" She continued to stand on the porch with the stick clutched in her hand.

"Upstairs boo, come on in." Cyan would have to save beating his wife's ass for later. His wife rolled her eyes and followed Cyan inside of her luxurious four bedroom house. She lived by herself and it wasn't even a reason to have as many rooms as she did but it wasn't like Cyan was coughing up any cash for it. Living lavish was easy for Cyan. Everything was paid for by the many guys she messed around with and she didn't really even have to work.

"You hungry? You want something to drink?" Cyan had the biggest smile on her face as she led his wife inside the kitchen. "Wait, I'm being so rude! What's your name?"

"Gina." Gina still had that damn stick in her hand and was on the verge of hitting Cyan's smart ass in the head with it. Before the girls could even make their way upstairs, Brandon came walking into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Why you leave me, baby?" He still hadn't fully opened up his eyes so he didn't even see Gina sitting at the island table. Cyan smirked as she watched Brandon open his eyes to see his wife standing in front of him.

"I should be asking you the same fucking thing! You've been lying to me along with your kids just to mess around with this ugly ass bitch?" Gina pointed the stick at Cyan and was just waiting to hit either one of them.

"Ugly?" Before Brandon could let out any lies from his lips Cyan jumped in. She looked Gina up and down noticing the stiff long weave that came down her back along with the tired Pink jogging suit she had on. She had bumps all over her face like she hadn't washed it in days and she was in need of a fill-in.

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