Love in unexpected places (introduction!)

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So here I am again... High school... Another new school where EVERYTHING depends on who you are... I have been all over these "great states" and every high school I have attended is the same, you have your populars’, your 2nd string populars’, blahblahblah and the list continues down to the very last caste, the emo depressed don't talk to me type.

I guess I should explain myself right? Well hello my name is Genevieve Alexandria Charlotte Amelia Ramirez Hale. Yes, it is a horribly long name but as you can see by how long it is I have a mixed background. I’m half white and half Spanish. My very white dad married my very spanish mom and guess what? I showed up! My parents travel around the world as archeologists, yup that means I live basically alone 12 months out of every year… which is super dandy! (That was sarcasm)


So I might as well explain what landed me in this “new” high school. One night I sat down and told my parents, I just turned, 17 years old and about to start my senior year and I refused to the highest amount to spend it in four different high schools around the world.


This discussion led to a brand new bazillion dollar mansion that is a teenage wonderland located in the beautiful town of –drum roll please- Orange, California. Along with the mansion would be my trusted maid Anna, who is 50 years old and is more of a mother to me than my own is to me. That leads me back to why I’m here. My parents are going on this huge expedition in Egypt and well Anna and I wanted to stay here and live a normal life for at least a whole year. Well, more like I decided to stay and the only reason Anna sticks around is because I am like her daughter and she disapproves of my parents leaving me completely alone in California. So Anna will live two blocks over (that’s the closest we could find on such short notice) because she does like her “privacy”.

 Anna DUN DUN DUN!! maid by day, (PAUSE) ninja by night.


So I guess I might as well say this I am awesome. I like nature, cars (muscle, street, etc.), animals, sports (football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, the list is never ending), cooking, movies, I can play instruments, and I am pretty smart if I do say so myself. Now, I know what you’re thinking and no I am not an over achiever. It’s just when your parents are very famous architects with loads of cash and travelers miles and you have to tag along you learn things. Needless to say I am what you call a very cultured individual. Not that I'm bragging, I don't like bragging but this is important stuff people that you need to know! 


Enough about me though I will be attending… wait for it… the amazing school of  _ drum roll please_ Sir Charles High School. (Something about This sir Charles guy founded the school way back in the forever ago’s) I will be attending this school and will be intertwined in gossip and friends and hanging out and ahhh doesn’t it sound amazing! One school! For a WHOLE YEAR!!!! Dreams really do come true!!! Gosh just day dreaming about it sounds great. I mean FRIENDS!!!! People who I will actually get to learn about!!! What if they don’t like me though? I am not exactly a “popular” type. I guess you could say I am a me... Yes! That’s it! I am a me type. I don’t care what other people think, I honestly am weird. A good weird I believe… Oops back to talk about me, my bad. 

So here I go, off into a new adventure just like my parents. Except this time they will be far away doing their crazy explorations and i will be facing a challenge that I've never had to face before, being a permanent student! Im so excited here i go!!

Love in unexpected places (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now