Chapter 2: 'He's gunna get you'

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After the incident in English I made my way to the cafeteria to meat up with sky and her friends. When I entered the cafeteria I was instantly reminded of why in my old school I eat with my friends by our lockers. The place was packed with groups of people sitting everywhere. I looked over to the food line and it was long, way to long for me to be waiting around in. I should have came here faster, I guess that's why everyone left the class in a hurry.

As I get closer to the table were Sky is sitting I take the time to look over the two other people sitting with her. One was a boy with longish brown hair that covered his eyes as he looked down at his food. When he looked up to talk to Sky I could see that he had crystal blue eyes. If I didn't see his huge smile he gave her I would have said that he looked kind of depressing. The other person sitting next to him was a girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes. In short, they were all really nice looking group of people. I'm beginning to think that this school is filled with mystical creatures, why the hell am I the only normal looking one around here. I finally make it to the table and Sky pulls out the chair next to her signaling for me to sit down.

"Gees, you got here really late. What took you so long, you missed out on the front of the line. I got you a pizza cause I didn't think you would make it to get any of the good stuff."

"Oh my gosh, you didn't have to do that."

"It's fine, just if we don't work out as friends you can just pay me back."

"Oh ... okay?"

"What the hell Sky, you cant just tell people that they owe you for something they never even asked for" Sky glares over at him and then looks back at me smiling.

"Do you want the pizza?"

"Uh .... sure."

"See Kyle she wants it now shut your trap and go back to staring at your uncooked pasta. Oh by the way this here is Kyle and Jenna, there my peeps so if ya got a problem you can come to me or one of them." I looked up at the two and they both gave me a small wave that I mimicked back at them.

We hear a crash in the fare end of the cafe and all look over. Sitting there with all his glory is Cat eyes and his elite of bad boys. It looks like two of the guys are wrestling for a can of pop. Two male teachers out of no were go and separate them while the rest of them are chanting fight tactics to their friends.

While all this was going on cat eyes sat there on his throne of a table laughing. As if knowing I was watching he looked up at me and gave me a sly wink. I tensed wondering if anyone other than myself saw that or was I imagining things again. I glance over at Sky from the corner of my eye to see her looking wide eyed at me and back to cat eyes. I look over and Kyle and Jenna and see there doing the same.

I let out a heavy sigh try to show that I didn't want to be nagged about whats going on considering I don't know myself, but it didn't seem to take an effect on them. I answered there questions before they even leave their mouths.

"I don't know him. Hes in my English class and I saw him today at the bus stop."

"Yahh right, cause he sure as hell acts like he know you!" I shiver knowing I don't know him but realize shes right. He douse act like he knows me. That's what worries me the most about this whole situation. Why douse he have this odd interest in teasing the new girl? I should be no existent in his books.

Finally Kyle speaks looking away from were cat eyes and his group of rebel sat. " If you don't know him and he's taking intrest in you, that cant be good .... for you that is."

I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, "What do you mean not good for me?"

"Your new to the whole town so I guess it makes sense you wouldn't know about Kaul." says Jenna. I look back over to the table, "Which one is Kaul?" On cue again he looks up at me but this time he holds my stair.

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