Start from the beginning

Elizabeth doesn't care nor did she listen to half of the words she were saying since she were speaking in Italian and she wasn't fluent in the language. She manages to answer with brief nods of her heads and a few before the lady found out all was useless and she finally quieted down.

Her head tilts to the other side of the airplane at the two seats across from her. The person is wide awake and fixture his attention toward her. She doesn't look away this time. He has his head rested on a pillow while the man next to him is fast asleep.

Elizabeth can't help but feel caught in a trance. His eyes are a clear, green color that reminds her of the color of her earrings she used to own were she earned many compliments from the choice of color. They're electrifying next to his cropped chestnut, brown hair. He nods his head and glances sideways to the back of the airplane and she turns her head to what he's looking at.

"I can't manage to sleep in these bloody airplanes." He grins. 

She doesn't know how to respond but Elizabeth manages a short "Yes."

He turns his head back to her and eyes her curiously. "How long were you asleep?"

"Two hours," She says instantly.

"Better than how much I've ever slept." He sighs and closes his eyes for half a second, but it's long enough for Elizabeth to take a look at him. 

She eyes the barely noticeable scar on his chin and the rim of his prominent nose, his curved eyebrows, and the shape of his almond eyes. Then, his eyelids open and his eyelashes brush against his cheeks.

"You're still awake."

"Aren't I," 

It's a question Elizabeth suspects but he says it as if it's a fact.

"You're-" He pushes his hair back. "-not from Italy are you?"

"I came here to visit."

"So did I."

A man grunts from behind her seat and she lowers her voice.

"You're from England correct?" Elizabeth whispers.

The side of his mouth pulls up.

"How could you possibly tell?" He answers joking, and she suspects it's of his nature to be so charismatic and sarcastic.

"The accent and your clothes."

"You're american, yes?"

She nods her head.

"Your accents are weird."

Elizabeth raises in eyebrow, completely bewildered. 

"What are you talking about? Yours are weird. When I was younger, I thought that in Harry Potter, the accents were just fake because I had never left America before."

He laughs like she's kidding. "You're serious?" 

Elizabeth purses her lips, feeling very foolish. 

"Yeah." She replies and adds. "Also, your clothes look weird." 

"Are you not used to seeing people fully dressed?"

Elizabeth rolls her eyes. 

He exits his chair and passes the snoring man next to him and takes the seat next to her. She's alarmed and tense. The man moves his hand up and Elizabeth notices he wants to shake her hand.

"Mr. Archell."

She takes his hand - seeing that she has no choice - and shakes it.

"Is that your real name?" Elizabeth asks questionably.

He smiles and the light left in the airplane shimmers in his pupils.

"Why? Are you going to call the cops on me if I answer no?" He sounds as if he's joking but there's an edge to his voice, almost as if he's testing her to blink or flip out her phone.

 Then, her thoughts disappear when he adds in a calm tone. "My name is Thomas but address me as Mr. Archell. It's more formal."

She relaxes for a moment.

"My name is Elizabeth, Mr. Archell." Elizabeth trails every syllable of his last name.

He puts his hand on his seat--Elizabeth suspects he's at least three inches taller than her-- and leaves it hanging their while his head hovers above her.

"That's a mighty fine name. And classy." 

"I prefer dull." 

He shakes his head. "Nah, it's classy." 

Mr. Archell moves his hand down and leans over while her heartbeat stops for amount and she catches her breaths. Her eyelids close and she expects him to kiss her, but instead, he pulls the shutters covering the window of the airplane so they can see the sky. She gets a whiff of his scent that smells faintly of cologne and coffee. He turns around and gets up from the chair as the lady comes back from the lavatory. Elizabeth doesn't speak a word while the lady takes her seat and fastens her seatbelt. For a few moments, everything is quiet except for the brief noises of the airplane.

Her chin is rested on her hand as she looks faraway through the window as the lady's loud snores make it to her ears. Her pupils glance up the seat across from them and Mr. Archell has his head looking the other way until he notices her and turns his head. He makes a smile as his eye follow hers until he glances back in front of him.



The airplane stops. The announcements end. Before she leaves the airplane she gives the lady a smile but she only grits her teeth.

After endless hours of flipping through her books and checking her phone, she has managed to make it to J.K Kennedy Airport. Her next stop is Washington and after that, Maryland. Anticipation filled her. Four hours and she'll be in Washington. Elizabeth bustles through the line, her suitcase behind her. Someone taps her on the shoulder and she whirls her head around in surprise. Did she do something wrong? Is it airport security? Relief rushes through her when it's only Thanatos. She likes his name, it has a charm to it.

"Next flight or is this your last stop?"

"I have another stop." Elizabeth purses her lips; trudging her suitcase behind her as the wheels stroll on the ground. He follows her and she wonders where he's going.  "What about you?"


"Oh, really?"

"Yeah," He says; eyeing the necklace around her neck and then looks back up at her. "What about you?"

"Maine too."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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