Dreams and Death.

Start from the beginning

"Oh, thank God! You're alive!" Cody yelled.

"That was a freaking miracle!" The guys yelled.

"You were dead for a second there! I was worried as hell." Cody said, still looming over me.

"I was dead?" I asked.

"Yes!" We all yelled.

"Holy crap. Really? Wait, never mind. Don't answer that. Stupid question." I started to sit up.

"No, I want you to rest. Let's eat that fish that you died for."


"Mmm...That was great."

"Okay, so, Kassidy, do you have a plan? Please tell me you do." Maddie said.

"Well I was thinking that we should just go in the direction that your grandmother said. I feel that I'll know when It's my grandparents. If that doesn't work, then we'll move to plan B." I said.

"What's plan B?" Kane said.

"I don't know yet." I said.

"Wait, you don't know? What happens if it doesn't work?" Aaron asked.

"Just...let me think about it on the way. Okay?" I said.

"Okay, well, I think that we ought to pack up." Molly said. I had packed up earlier and decided to sit down. I was still a little weak from dying. I had decided to keep my shorts and tank top on, because I feel more comfortable in something that I wear more than something that I don't. After everybody finished, Molly and Maddie came and sat down by me. We started talking about random subjects, when the boys came over.

"If it's alright with you, could we look at your backs? Just to make sure they're okay." Cody said.

We looked at one other and nodded. "Sure." We all said at the same time. They went behind us and knelled. They slowly lifted the hems of our shirts and stopped at the holes in our backs. I could feel Cody drag his hand across the wound. I gasped.

"Sorry." He mumbled. I went to reach for the wound. He held my hand and moved to the spot of the wound. "Kassidy, I want you to do me a favor."

"What would the favor be?" I asked.

"When you get back home, I want you to get this checked. Make sure that it didn't hit anything important. I'm worried about this. I'm worried about you."

I could feel myself blush, "I'll only do that, if you get your lungs checked out." He nodded.

"What? I could hear Molly and Maddie ask.

"Cody, I need you to tell me what it looks like. I need you to tell me the truth of what it looks like." I turned around. "Please."

Cody had a pained look on his face. He sighed, "It's a deep wound. Round it is all red, about three to four inches wide. It's infected, and the infection will spread. Fast. We need to find your ancestors. That way, we can get to a modern doctor."

"Thank you. That's all I needed." I kissed him on the cheek and started to listen to my friends conversations.

 "Well, it's just a scab. A big one, I might add, but just a scab." Aaron was saying to Molly. I tuned into Maddie's and Kane's conversation.

"I don't know. You're definitely going to have to get it checked out. It looks a little red around the edges. I don't know a lot when it comes to medical care, but I do know that it doesn't look the best." Then Maddie turned around and hugged him.

Cody got everyone's attention. "Hey guys, we need to leave in a couple of minutes." He pulled down the hem of my shirt. As I got up and stumbled, but Cody steadied me. Kane, Maddie, Aaron, and Molly got up and started walking to the other side of the pond. "You're still weak." So, to solve the problem, he picked me up (bridal style) and started walking.

"Really?" I asked.


I lied my head on his chest and started to drift off.


In my dream, I was standing in a meadow. A small town was visible off in the distance. I started walking towards the town. I came across a small cottage with a hole for a window. I walked up to the window and looked in. Two people were arguing. I studied the couple and the dream shifted. I was standing in my house. In the kitchen, my mother was crying.

"She's gone! I've lost my one and only daughter!"

My father walked up to her and hugged her. With tears sliding down his face he said, "We'll find her. I promise." They were interrupted by a flash of white light and the dream shifted, again. There was a silhouette of a person. They were talking to someone. Then, all of the sudden, they laughed in an evil manner and said, "Ha! She will die trying to save them!" Then the dream faded.

"Kassidy. Kassidy!"

"Huh?" I asked. Everyone was sitting down. I was laying down with everyone looking down at me.

"Kassidy, you were panicking. What was the dream about?" I sat up and looked around. Small meadow. I looked off the the distance. Small town.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I know where to go." I stood and started walking in the direction of the cottage that I saw in my dream.


So...............how was it? Was it worth your while? It's getting close to the end. slowly, but surely...













An author needs feed back so they can get better!

Also...For all you that love Harry Potter FanFictions, I have one! I would really appreciate if you checked it out! It's called Evanescent.

Anyway, I hoped you liked the chapter and I hope you like Evanescent!

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