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Thomas' P.O.V

After ten minutes of thinking about the pros and cons of going to school, I decided that I might as well get changed.

I went downstairs and saw my mum with a big grin on her face. Before I had the chance to ask her why she was all smiley I heard the bus driver honk the steering wheel, indicating his arrival. So I rushed to grab an apple from the fruit bowl, told my mum I loved her and ran outside to catch the bus.

As I got to the bus, I saw an empty seat next to Minho- so I decided to sit there. Well, it wasn't like I had much of a choice as every other seat was taken.

'How was your summer?' Minho asked before turning to face me.

'Alright, how was yours?'

'It was great! I went to India and saw these amazing tigers. At first I thought they were really scary, but then I fed one and realised there was nothing to be afraid of...'

When it comes to listening to Minho's rants, I'm not very good at it. Probably why I don't have a lot of friends. Whilst he was talking, I just stared off into the distance and I couldn't help feeling that this year was going to be very different.

After 10 minutes of listening about Minho and his holiday in India, the bus finally stopped. I smiled but instantly frowned when I realised where we were; school. Oh, how I wished I could have just stayed on the bus. I'd rather listen to Minho's life story than walk through those doors.

As I got off the bus I saw everyone huddled together in their little groups, like in an American high school movie. There were the nerds, the cool kids, the jocks, the bad boys and the nobodies. I didn't really fit into any of the groups, not even the nobodies.

I looked around and saw girls running to their friends and hugging them. Boys doing weird handshakes and couples all over each other. Just how I expected it to be. Some people were even crying.

Can't say I blamed them. I felt like crying too- but for a different reason. I made my way to the library so I could get away from everyone seeing as no one ever went there in the mornings.

I stopped walking when I saw someone strangely familiar with our headteacher, Mr Hale. By the looks of it, he was giving someone a tour of the school.

He must be a new student, I thought.

He had (very fluffy by the way) blonde hair and was wearing black jeans and a beige jumper. I stared at him for a while trying to figure out who he was before I realised why he looked so strangely familiar.

It was Newt.


{ A/N: yo! it's the same trash as before. I don't know what to say so I'll just say this, vote and maybe give a cheeky comment? i'm a thirsty hoe what can i say}.

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