THIRTY TWO: Christmas Eve Thrills

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"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


T H I R T Y T W O : Christmas Eve Thrills

They were in seventh heaven, a point of extreme happiness and bliss. Every instance they were together, sparks and surges of electricity enlivened the people within their personal, intimate space. They were either together or missing one another when they were parted, and got the chance to see how love struck they really were.

Passionate intimacy, private dates, and an overabundance of kisses made up most days with the president and his newly transformed girlfriend. He was no longer afraid of what she could do; she was transfigured to be a dauntless woman who was happy with her life. The positivity swarmed around Harry, and it disturbed into the origin of his thinking process. He positively made decisions for America that reflected the future in his mind. He moved towards progression, and peace.

Ophelia's new outlook on the world around her was ingrained into the speeches she started to write for him. She thought of the world's issues as temporary and with such fine leadership from Harry, the planet could eradicate the problems over time. Because of this, news outlets called the president's speeches to be one-of-a-kind, award-winning, and able to conjugate different generations together for the words he delivered.

Time did not exist for the couple, and December was already in motion around the White House. The mention of Christmas was on the rise and such festivities. The administration before the current president had several traditions, but he wanted to make new ones for the next three years of his presidential career. On Christmas Day, he did not want anyone working; every employee deserved to spend the joyous time with their family. So, he decided to celebrate on Christmas Eve instead.

It was usual for the president's family to take photographs for the annual Christmas card. Harry did not have a secure family as other presidents did, and it ultimately was taken by himself. He wished that Ophelia could be included on the card, but the news circuit would never stop penetrating her and her past. No one he loved deserved that. He explained his reasoning, and with a simper, she accepted it. She was happy he thought ahead for her instead of in the moment. It was very kind of him, she thought.

        Another tradition for each administration was to decorate the Christmas tree in the main lobby. The duty belonged to the First Lady, and she was responsible for picking out the theme as well. Because she could not be in the picture, Harry shared with every employee to treat Ophelia as if she was the First Lady. They agree automatically seeing that they did find her suiting for the position in the future.

       One day, Ophelia was in her separate office writing a speech Harry had to give within a few days. She was pacing back and forth barefoot on her carpetーsomething she often does while writingーand abruptly, her door was barged into. Women and men circled around her, delivering plans for he Christmas season.

        "Ophelia, the president has asked you to decorate the main tree in the White House lobby, along with plan the Royal Christmas Eve ball coming up," They said, surprising her to a shocked facial expression.

        "O-okay." She figured she could take the task on. It would be something to keep her busy after she finished one of his last speeches of the year. Harry could see how occupied she was; whenever she was in his office, random employees came up to ask her about plans, and when they left, her famous smile sparkled like diamonds. He would tease her for being so controlling and actually being president, something she could never do.

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