First Encounter

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I wake up to the most annoying sound I've ever heard in my entire life; a fucking alarm clock. I grab my phone and dismiss the alarm. Dragging myself out of bed in the morning was always hard for me, especially on a Monday. I walk to the bathroom and examine myself in the mirror. I looked like hell. My hair was sticking up in a billion different directions and my mascara was caked under my eyes making me look like a raccoon. I strip my pajamas off and jump in the shower, trying to make myself decent for the day ahead.

Waiting for the bus was one of the most annoying things on the planet. I live on the outskirts of Macon, Georgia so I'm the first to be picked up. Normally I'm outside by six thirty waiting for the bus in the cold. You may think it's hot in Georgia but in the mornings it's freezing. My bus pulls up and I take my seat all the way in the back. I take my phone out and play dangerous woman by Arianna Grande. I've always liked all kinds of music, rock, country, even pop music.

About half way through the bus ride we stop at a new house, which is weird because we don't often get new students. I look up at the two boys getting on the bus curiously. The first one was wearing a Mario hat and was good looking, you could almost hear the drool dropping from halve of the girls mouths on the bus. The one after him though... he is... wow... I don't think I've ever seen a boy so attractive. He's got toned shoulders, hazel eyes and dark brown hair. I watch as both boys walked to the back and sit in the seat across from me. I snap out of my daze when my phone buzzes.

Minxeyy: Where tf is your bus loser???

Me: Wow good morning to you too minx >.>

Minxeyy: Shush I miss you tell the bus driver to grow a pair and press the gas pedal XD

Me: Were almost there so chill out xD

The bus pulls up shortly after and I can see the crew standing outside waiting for me. The boy with the Mario hat lets me go before him and I thank him. I jog over to doxy and jump on her back, which send us tumbling to the ground.

"Ahhh what the fuck?" she cries out as I sit on her butt.

"HI DOXY" I laugh and bounce a little to make her angrier.

"Get off Alyssa" I get off to see sinow with his phone out taking a picture of the mangled doxy underneath me. Minx pulls me up and into a hug. We just walked through the doors as the bell rings. While I'm walking to first period my name is called on the speakers and all I can think is oh god what shit did ze blame on me now.

I walk into the office and the secretary tells me to go right on back into the principles office. When I walk in I see the two new boys from my bus. The cute one is twiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Alyssa do you think you could show the new students ohm and chilled around?" says Mr. Dubbline.

"Uhh sure" I smile and look at them, "It's nice to meet you guys I'm Alyssa"

Ohm hardly nods in response but chilled smiles and says "nice to meet you too I'm chilled and that's ohm, he's shy so he probably won't talk much." Oh that's why he nodded instead of talking to me.

"Ahh okay" I smile at chilled. "So where are you guys from?"

"Before me and ohm moved here we were living in Chicago." He smiles and I gesture for him to follow me down the hall.

"Oh really? Is it nice there?"

"Yeah I suppose" he says. I look at the time on my phone and realize were already late for first period.

"Okay so first we have choir so we kind of need to hurry, Mrs. Dobbs doesn't like it when people are late." They follow me as I speed walk down the hall to the music room. When we walk in everyone stops to stare at the boys and entoan is giving me the "Who the fuck are these dudes?" look. I smile and walk over to him.

"Who are they?" he asks.

"Their names are chilled and ohm..." he smiles at me and looks like he's up to something. The whore of the school Jada walked over and started to flirt with both of them. It's disgusting really... I can't believe that a girl could think so less of herself that she tries to fuck everything with a dick that walks.

"So which one is it?"

I look over at him, confused and say "what do you mean?"

"Which one do you like Ali?"

"Entoan I am not a whore. How can I possibly like them when I know nothing about them?"

He's about to say something when Mrs. Dobbs walks in and writes something on the chalk board.

In white chalky letters she wrote single performances "you all have 15 minutes to decide what song you want to sing and sing it, Alyssa you'll go first because you have the most experience performing, then Zoey."

I pull entoan out into the hall way and start to panic a bit but entoan tells me to shut it because I'm an amazing singer and ill be able to pull this off. (Time skip)

I sit behind the piano in the corner of class. I terrified, I've always hated being in the spotlight. I take a deep breath and I start singing Secret Love part two by little mix.

"We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you, I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough
As you drive me to my house
I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down
You and I both have to hide on the outside
Where I can't be yours and you can't be mine"

I look up around my class and I see entoan giving me a thumbs up. Chilled is smiling and ohm is looking down, ignoring my performance. I finish the rest of the song without missing a beat. As I stop singing everyone claps and whistles. I swear I must look like a ripe tomato right now. As I make my way back to my seat the bell rings. I grab entoans hand and rush out.

"You did good Ali."

~~~ Ehhh was it good? comment suggustions pleaseeeeeeee ... They would really help ;)


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