Chapter Four: Meeting Erwin Smith

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I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, trying to fix myself up. I was already dressed and all that, but I REALLY wanted to impress him. So, I'm wearing my most sophisticated clothes. A white button down shirt, a few of the buttons on top unbuttoned, light brown skinny jeans, beige toms, and a light brown fedora, including my nerdy glasses. Practically, I looked like a hipster, but it was better than a sweater and blue skinny jeans. I pulled out my phone,and looked at the time, 4:30. It's going to take me a while to get down town, so I need to get going. Quickly, I combed through my hair, and ran out of the bathroom, to the garage. Waiting for me, was my dad's car. He said I could use it for today, which I'm so thankful he let me. I got into the car, and drove off.

As I was driving, my hands began to get sweaty. I was really nervous, and didn't want to screw up. This is only going to happen once in my life, and I don't want to mess it up. Because if I do, my whole life will be over.. and, I don't care if I'm over reacting. And, the feeling of wanting to throw up has returned.. just great.

It took about 10-15 minutes to drive down to the Hilton hotel, surprisingly. I glanced at the time- which was the clock implanted in my dad's car- and saw it was 4:46. Good, it's a decent time. Maybe I should wait in the car for a bit. I don't want to be, too, early and upset him. That's the last thing I want to do. By the time I had made up my mind, whether I was going to wait or not, it was 4:50. No point in deciding now. Quickly, I got out of the car, locked it, and headed for the shiny glass doors of the hotel. Inside, the walls were painted a burgundy red, with almost the same colored flooring. The check-in and check-out counter was pure marble, and shinny as hell. This place was fancy, and probably extremely expensive. A man was behind the counter, smiling gently at me. He was wearing a nice, monochrome ironed suit. The man actually reminded me of Sebastian from Black Butler. I walked over to the man, and returned a friendly smile to him.

"How may I help you?" He had a calm and gentle voice, just like his smile, which I found adorable.

"I'm meeting up with Erwin Smith in room.." I thought for a moment, trying to think of the room number. But, before I could even remember the first digit, the man had already brought up his room number on the computer screen.

"Room 207?"

"Um, yes." He smiled, and grabbed the phone beside him, dialing a number, and then waited patiently for someone to pick up. It was a few moments until I heard the woman's voice- I'd heard when I called the number a few days ago- echo from the phone. She said the same thing when she picked up.. "Hello, this is the Smith residence". They talked until the man turned to me, and asked for my name. I told him my name, and he told the girl on the other end my name. I heard her say "Alright", and the line went to music. After a few minutes, the music stopped, and her voice could be heard again. The man smiled, and said "Okay", and put the inside the holder.

"Mr. Smith will be here to escort you shortly." He said to me, with that gentle smile. I nodded, and smiled back, walking away from the desk, and sitting down on the small sofa. While I waited for Erwin, I looked around the fancy lobby. Paintings and professional pictures were hanging on the walls, small potted plants with cobble stone pots were in every corner of the room- leaves greener than ever-, and a coffee table sitting between the two sofas. I felt like just falling asleep on this sofa. That's how comfortable this couch was. But, before I ever had the chance to blink, I saw Erwin Smith emerge from behind the two elevator doors. I thought his pictures were hot, but seeing him in real life was even hotter. It's like the photo shop messed up his face instead of making him look better. Erwin had broad shoulders, and was very tall.. like 6'2'' or 6'3''. Even through his vest, you could see the outline of muscles. He had a very sharp jaw, and beautiful blonde hair, almost like myself. But, the thing he was most recognizable for, was his eyebrows. They were big and bushy, but weren't a uni brow, and looked so right on his face. In all honesty, he was perfection, true sexiness. And me, out of all people in the world, get to be with this for the remainder of the day.

Erwin spotted me sitting on the sofa, and walked over to me, smiling brightly.

"Armin Arlert, I presume?" His deep husky voice struck me like a bullet, even though I've already heard it, it made my heart beat faster than ever. I nodded, and stood up. He held out his hand, and I grabbed it, him giving me a quick hand shake. His hands were so rough and big, but I liked that. It's not like they were enormous, and I could fit both my hands in just one of his hands. They were just perfect size for his body type, which made him even hotter in my eyes.

"It's nice to meet you." I said as our hands collapsed to the side of us.

"You, too." Now, I have the sudden urge to tell him everything. From when I started reading his books till now. But, I didn't want to seem like an overly energetic child. It would just be embarrassing if he thought that of me. But, just the thought of messing up in front of him made my stomach churn. My palms got sweaty, again, and the feeling of wanting to vomit returned. I have to keep myself together. No throwing up or acting like a crazy psycho fan.

"Let's talk upstairs." Erwin said, with a light smile. I nodded, and we walked to the elevator, getting inside. I will admit, it was quite awkward while we waited for the elevator to reach his floor. We only exchanged awkward smiles, no talking or anything. I guess this is what happens when you mix someone like me, with a celebrity. The elevator doors opened, and I felt like some of that awkwardness went flying out the tiny space, and into the hallway. We both left the elevator in unison, and Erwin guided me to his hotel room.

Even the hallways were fancy, The walls beside us had beautiful paintings hanging from them, same burgundy wallpaper. When we turned a corner, at the end of the hallway was a giant glass window. It showed the city below, cars, factories, and bars. Erwin then, stopped in front of a polished white door, and took out a card- that looked like a credit card-, unlocking the door. When the door opened, I was greeted by a woman, probably the one I talked with on the phone. The woman's hair was light chocolate brown hair- it pulled into a pony tail-, bulky glasses, and a short red dress on. I guess that's something you wear to the office?

"Hello,I'm Hange." She said, holding out her hand. I grabbed it, and did a quick shake "Shoes." I looked somewhat over at Erwin, and saw he was taking off his shoes. Then, I slowly took off mine, and placed them next to Erwin's on the carpeting. My socks were actually quite embarrassing. I didn't have white socks to wear, so I just put on my bright pink ones. Honestly, I thought I would have my shoes on the whole night, but never mind.

Erwin walked onto the shinny tile floor, and to the couch, sitting down. This room looked more like his penthouse than a hotel room. Slowly and awkwardly, I made my way over to the other couch, sitting down across from him. Erwin smiled.

"Well, tell me a bit about yourself. I suspect you already know enough about me.." I blushed a bit, knowing he was right. But, I quickly contained myself, and tried to be confident.. for once.

"Okay.. I'm 15, grade A student, have a twin sister, one best friend, and.. a total nerd." He chuckled lightly, still smiling. I was going to tell him I was gay instead of being a total nerd, but for some reason I was nervous. Even though he's gay, too, and I know he'd be accepting.. I just didn't want it to seem like an invite.

"You seem like a nice kid." He paused for a moment as I nodded. "So, when did you start reading my books?"

"3rd grade, sir."

"Impressive." He said, with a raised eyebrow. I smiled. This was going well so far, maybe a bit awkward, but still fine. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"A glass of water would be fine." I said, and he nodded.

"Hange." He called, and she came walking over, her heals clicking against the tile.


"Please, get Mr. Arlert a glass of water." She nodded, and disappeared into another room. We sat in silence, smiling at each other until Hange returned with a cold glass of water. It was in a clear, glass cup. I said my thank yous, and she left the room. Then, Erwin and I proceeded in conversation.

It was around 8:00 PM now, Erwin and I standing by the door of his hotel room.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Arlert." He said, smiling.

"You, too." I said, smiling as well. He hugged me, which was completely unexpected. A light blush ran across my nose and cheeks, but I hugged back. It was a brief hug, though. We gave each other one last smile, before I had to leave. As I walked down the long hallway, towards the elevator, I felt sad. I wanted to see Erwin again, but I won't. Ever again..

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