8. My First Homecoming Dance

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Uriah led me over to a table set up off to the side of the room. I slipped off my heels, earning a laugh from Uriah. I grinned as I placed them under the table along with my wristlet that held my phone inside with a bit of cash and makeup, just in case. When I was all set, Uriah grabbed both of my hands and steered me out onto the dancefloor, right into the middle of the group of dancers.

I was hesitant about dancing at first, but quickly found a rhythm and lost myself in the music. Uriah and I danced together and I was having so much fun. Bodies all around us jumped, shook, and danced to the music. Uriah opened his mouth and was trying to shout something over the loud music.

"What?" I yelled, getting dirty looks when I stopped dancing and accidentally screamed in someone's ear.

"I'm gonna to get a drink. Do you want one?" He said over the music. I nodded and walked over to the table I had put my stuff under and sat down as he went to get drinks. The chair next to me scraped over the ground and I was surprised he was already back with the drinks. I turned to thank him when my jaw dropped for the second time.

Uriah wasn't the one sitting next to me.

No, it was his brother. Elijah.

" 'Sup, Vivian," he drawled with a huge smirk. I punched his arm as hard as I could. He rubbed his bicep as if it had hurt him. I rolled my eyes.

"My name is Veronica. And what do you want?" I asked, angrily.

I was not going to let Elijah ruin my night. I was having a great time with Uriah so far so I refused to let this asshole ruin it.

Elijah's green eyes swept around the room before landing on me again. "First time?" He asked.

I didn't understand what he meant. "What?" I asked, stupidly.

"You're first time at homecoming, idiot."


He shrugged, leaning back in the chair so he balanced precariously on the back two legs. He folded his arms behind his head as he said, "So, dance with me."

At that exact moment, the DJ announced that he would be playing a slow song shortly and to grab your date to get ready to slow dance. Elijah raised his eyebrows at the irony.

"Excuse me?" I said, exasperated. How long did it take Uriah to grab drinks?

"You heard me."

"Uh, no. I'm not going to dance with you," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and turned away from him.

"Why not?"

"Because you're a jerk and I hate you-"

"Is everything okay over here?" Uriah asked, standing in front of me with two plastic cups in his hands. I shook my head at the same time Elijah said, "Vicky said she wants to dance with me."

"Oh..." Uriah muttered, setting the cups down on the table.

"No! He's the one who told me to dance with him, but now he's pissed off that I refused," I told Uriah.

"Elijah." Uriah warned.

Elijah stood up, banging the front legs of the chair on the floor. He looked down at me and smirked. "Like I would ever want to dance with you." Then he swaggered away, leaving me fuming in my seat.

Uriah took the now empty seat that his brother had just been sitting in. He handed me one of the cups and said, "Elijah really likes to mess with you for some reason."

"You think?" I said, taking a sip of fruit punch. Uriah chuckled, setting his cup back down after taking a few sips.

The slow song the DJ had promised to play, began. Uriah stood up and offered me a hand.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked. I placed my hand in his hand, allowing him to help me stand up. "Of course," I responded.

We walked out onto the dance floor as a few students gave us weird looks. They probably wondered why someone as good looking as Uriah would want to dance with me. I ignored them.

Uriah placed his hands lightly above my hips and I put mine around his neck. We swayed to the music and I had to admit that he was a really good dancer. Something bumped into me and I looked over my shoulder to see what it had been. Or rather, who it had been.

"My bad," Elijah said without an ounce of an apology in his words. Bianca had her head rested in the crook of his neck as they slow danced. His hands rested right above her ass, fingers splayed in the slits in the sides of her dress. I wanted to vomit.

"I can't believe your brother likes her," I heard Bianca's muffled voice say.

"Don't worry about them. That girl is nothing special. Uriah will realize that soon enough," his deep voice rumbled.

I focused my attention back on Uriah to see if he had heard what they had said about us. It didn't seem like he had, so I chose to not let it get to me. Elijah and Bianca were perfect for each other in every way. They were both sarcastic, cocky assholes.

Uriah and I danced for the rest of the song. A huge smile lit up my face afterwards.

"Excuse me. I'll be right back," I said to Uriah, "I just have to use the restroom real quick." I wanted to make sure that my makeup still looked decent or if I would have to fix it.

He nodded. "Okay."

I made my way over to the table and bent over to reach underneath it to where I had put my shoes and wristlet. My hand scanned the area underneath the table and I bumped into my shoes, knocking them over. I continued to run my hand over the floor where I thought I had put my wristlet. When I didn't feel it, I lifted up the table cloth to get a closer look.

It wasn't there. I could see my shoes, but my wristlet was missing. I stood back up, ready to go tell Uriah, when I collided with a solid chest.

"Sorry, I didn't see you..." The words died on my lips when I realized who I had knocked into.

"Looking for this?" Elijah asked, dangling my wristlet between his fingers.

"Yes!" I jumped up to snatch it, but he lifted it higher out of my reach. I jumped again and missed, fingers just barely scraping against it. "Give it back," I demanded.

"I'll give it back to you under one condition."

I groaned. "What?"

"Go to the after party at Bianca's house."

"No way."

"My brother was planning on going with you anyway. Either go to the party or dance with me. It's your choice." He cocked an eyebrow.

There was no way I was going to dance with him after what I had heard him say about me and the way he treated me. I sighed. I really didn't have a choice but to go to the stupid party that I knew I was bound to have an awful time at.

Way to ruin my first time at homecoming, Elijah Reed. I thought to myself.

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